Talklking office last month. The summit began aboout an hour ago. I understand knnees wra is a ke member of the association of Southeast Asian nations. Japans Strategic Partner and shares basic values. Chief among his priorities is securing a pledge to Work Together on a range of regional issues including addressing chinas growing maritime presence in the nation. Suga wants to step up cooperation in the field of security including holding a meeting of foreign and defense ministers from both countries. He plans to speed up negotiations on the transfer of defense equipment to indonesia. The coronavirus pandemic will also likely be only the agenda. Indonesia has the highest number of cases in southeast asia. Suga will likely offer loans to help limit the economic fallout in the country and hopes to secure a plan to ease entry restrictions for nurses and caregivers coming to japan as foreign workers. Japan is seeking deeper defenense ties with australia a they champion what they term a fre
8 55 utc. The epicenter was at a depth of 40 kilometers. The center is recommending people in the area to remain observant and exercise normal caution near the sea and no action is required. Japans Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide will leave vietnam for indonesia for talks with president joko widodo on tuesday. Translator i want the two countries to work closely on various issues including the coronavirus and the economy. I want the summit to establish such a relationship. In the meeting suga is expected to emphasize that as a key member of asean indonesia is a Strategic Partner and the two countries share basic values like freedom and democracy. Suga hopes the nations will agree to Work Together over a range of regional issues including chinas growing maritime presence. He wants to arrange a meeting of their foreign and defense ministers soon. Suga also plans to accelerate negotiations on the transfer of defense equipment. Indonesia has the highest total number of coronavirus cases in so