Valley Medical and Wellness, which treats clients with chronic issues like back or neck pain and substance addictions, opened the doors in their new location at 3224 Sixth Ave. NE on Aug. 1, 2023.
Darren L. Thornton, 50, was arrested twice on charges of sex crimes, yet somehow managed to keep working for Fairfax County Public Schools for nearly two years.
Musicians engage with listeners in novel ways
May 27, 2021 22:17 IST
Artistes are coming up with researched and thematic ideas to connect more deeply with online listeners
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Artistes are coming up with researched and thematic ideas to connect more deeply with online listeners
With time on their hands and normalcy nowhere in sight, Carnatic musicians are busy creating interesting and thematic music series on YouTube. Unlike during the first lockdown, which saw a surfeit of random and generally poor quality programming in a frenetic need to stay visible, these series are more about researching the nuances, knowledge-sharing, and documentation. Backed by the latest technology, the professionally produced series offer excellent options for musicians to engage with listeners in the absence of live concerts.