The National Investigation Agency (NIA) was conducting raids at 60 locations across India at the premises belonging to gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, Kala Jathedi, Bambaiya and Kaushal Chaudhary in connection with the latest cases lodged against .
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is mulling action against big gangsters like Lawrence Bishnoi, Kapil Sangwan and Neeraj Bawana and their aides. The Home Ministry has asked the NIA to uproot their entire network as they were involved in .
A Delhi court on Saturday directed the Tihar jail authorities to ensure the safety and security of Praveen Yadav alias Model, an alleged sharpshooter of Ashok Pradhan gang, from the rival gang of Neeraj Bawania and his gang members.
A Delhi court on Saturday directed the Tihar jail authorities to ensure the safety and security of Praveen Yadav alias Model, an alleged sharpshooter of Ashok Pradhan gang, from the rival gang of Neeraj Bawania and his gang members.