In order to produce reinforced products, Tata Steel on Monday opened a completely automated construction service hub in Uttar Pradesh. Ashish Anupam, Chairperson, Marketing & Sales, Long Products, Tata Steel, spoke to the media and stated that the centre in Ghaziabad, the company s second such unit after Cuttack in Odisha, will also offer solutions to the construction industry.
Jajpur: The Vigilance police on Thursday arrested an SI of Police red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from the owner of a seized sand-laden Hyva truck to release it. The policeman Nirmal Kumar Senapati is working in the Sukinda
NINL, a 1.1-million-tonne steel manufacturing unit in Odisha, has reached 100 per cent capacity utilisation within one year of its acquisition by Tata Steel. On July 4 2022, the steel major completed the acquisition of Neelachal Ispat Nigam Ltd (NINL) through subsidiary company Tata Steel Long Products Ltd (TSLPL) for a consideration of Rs 12,000 crore.