here we come. real pros. look at that real football for real fans. birmingham, new orleans, followed by philadelphia, pittsburgh saturday on fox in depth. that s one way to , you know, tip. i don t believe in it. let me just get this straight. you know, whatever 10% i don t tip because society says i havel to be all right. i mean, i ll tip somebody the really deserves a tip.g if they really putextr forthtipn the effort, i ll give them something extra. buis for thet i mean, it s tippg automatically for the birds. i confess, i did it today.e i ordered two coffees and thenii the screen asked me if i wantedy to add a tip and i did so i did . my motivation was prettyin simple. i sewhen i se my own children wn i see the women and men who work behind the register thr and on the hotel bedside table, there s another chance to leavee the tip. s no and n t know what the women and men who clean hotel rooms make.ot les i just know it s not a fun job and it s a lot less than i makea . then aga
of americans want universal background checks. when you have that kind of number, and he was describing this, we are deeply polarized society but when you have 87% of americans saying they want and can agree on universal background checks and lawmakers aren t getting those specifically republicans, not getting it done, that is not a problem just for guns that is a problem with our democracy. that the democracy is not functioning the way it should be. s no i totally agree. this is an issue that is that important, to 80% of the american public, then they need to make that known when they go to the ballot. if they do not have representatives that are carrying out their wishes with respect to this very important issue that is traumatizing americans, they need to make those wishes known by letting those representatives know that they made the main along to represent them. that is not something that they
sounds to me if anybody s r racist here,acist it s him, bem supposedly he has open arms or an open border policy. but now that they end up in his. city, now he s angry thato elec they heatir. - so elections have consequences like inviting the good people come to my h to. house for dinner and thenxact saying, no, get the out olyf i here. s. no, it s exactly what ite d is . but as i say, in short, elections have consequences. or the good people of texas did not vote for an open border. all right.. pebut these people that are inev these blue democrat run cities and states, they apparently did vote for this. so i say we should enrichcommunt ietheir communities, bus,if the not bus and show them whaart they voted for. if they re not nea ar the bordey ,if they re not in a border city or state, bring the border, to them. maybe understand the danger. t of course, they want to pull the race card. it has nothing to do with the race of these mayors. it s abouts the leadership that knows no skin
oh no, no.atters swatters are a taking overrs are america. a growing number of homeownersli are being tormented by peopleng fliving freely in housesg to l they don t own and refusing to leave. lowrance actually went to jacksonville, florida to meet with some property owners who claim their hom ownt ravaged. so we came for the first time in here to look at all of this. what what was going through your mind? t just your heart just drops and youdeh justat wonder what kind of peope can do this. i m just curious if you guyse g decided we re just goingproper to barge in and take back? our property back . we would have we would havee wol been arrested. y all would have been arrested. we live ind a motel tha been ar were tolt very clearly, very clearly do not attempt to remove them. s no but it s not just jacksonville. it s a big s a b th philly where eviction can cost thousands. a legal expert there saytesrs ap squatters appear to have the upper hand .a group and in minneapoli
that came out in your favor,ut you talked about death and destruction and then the baseball bat picture. yeah, next to album bragin. tha you did take that down and my only question, why open yourself up to criticismiticismt you have to understand that when the story was put up, i put up a story. we didn t see pictures. we put up a story that was veryh exculpatory, very good story from the standpoine t of what we re talking about. and they put up a picture of me and you know, where i was holding the baseball bat? ihet was at the white house make america by america because i did a lot of by americay ma things. and this is a company thats basa makes baseball bats. then they puxt to thatt next toi picture a picture of alvin bragg. i didn t do they did it the the i guess the people that dowa the paper or somebody put pictures together. but i was holdinbag a baseballlm baadt in order to promote maydas wasn t on your post the truth. s no, no, no. what they did is we postedicture the story