they are nowat amassing at day our southern border yet once again. and in 10 daysl, title era forty two will end. now, that is the colvert error provision that allowed immigration officials to quickly deport illegaimmigral immigrants. but idt will soon be over. and the word is out. immigr now hundreds of thousands, if not millions exp more of illegal immigrants are expected to pour into this country in the coming months. but let not your heart be trouble, because in all of his infinite wisdom, your president, joey, is sending fifteen hundred troops to the border to , quote, help ou e t. all right. je joining us now live with a full report on this breaking news, our own griff jenkins is with us . griff has been down there allt a day. this manhunts gone has gone on l days. five innocent people murdered. he wase deporte d five times. thank god they found him. griff yeah, that s right.roke good evening, and i broke that news after getting multiple border patrol sour
sounds to me if anybody s r racist here,acist it s him, bem supposedly he has open arms or an open border policy. but now that they end up in his. city, now he s angry thato elec they heatir. - so elections have consequences like inviting the good people come to my h to. house for dinner and thenxact saying, no, get the out olyf i here. s. no, it s exactly what ite d is . but as i say, in short, elections have consequences. or the good people of texas did not vote for an open border. all right.. pebut these people that are inev these blue democrat run cities and states, they apparently did vote for this. so i say we should enrichcommunt ietheir communities, bus,if the not bus and show them whaart they voted for. if they re not nea ar the bordey ,if they re not in a border city or state, bring the border, to them. maybe understand the danger. t of course, they want to pull the race card. it has nothing to do with the race of these mayors. it s abouts the leadership that knows no skin