The Bombay High Court on Thursday granted bail to Aryan Khan, Arbaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha in cruise party drugs case. The detailed order is likely to be released tomorrow.
The legal team of the 23-year-old Aryan Khan, who is presently in judicial custody and lodged at the Arthur Road prison in central Mumbai, will now try to complete the formalities for his release by Friday.
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan's son Aryan Khan on Thursday (October 28) was granted bail in connection with the drugs seizure case.
Khan's bail plea was heard by the Bombay High Court. Aryan was arrested on October 3 by India's Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).
This is the first photograph of Shah Rukh following the arrest of his son in the drugs case. Earlier on October 14, he was photographed visiting the Arthur Road Jail to visit his son.