The New York Fed s Weekly Leading Index (WLI) continues to show an economy that is just above the worst seen during the Great Recession. This index remains on a recovery trend based on the 13 week rolling average but the index has changed little over the last 4 weeks.
Analyst Opinion of the Weekly Leading Index
This data set should be considered a high-frequency coincident indicator on a par with the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index produced by the Philly Fed - and both show conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic are already worse than the Great Recession. However, the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index is improving whilst the WLI is still declining. Logic would say with the partial reopening of the economy - the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index seems to be correct.
Written by Steven HansenThe New York Fed s Weekly Leading Index (WLI) continues to show an economy that is just above the worst seen during the Great Recession. This index remains on a recovery trend based on the 13 week rolling average..
Written by Steven HansenEconintersect s Economic Index forecast continues to see a recovery underway from the pandemic induced recession - although the recovery continues to be modest and the economy remains weak. We see a stronger economy in January. The coronavirus daily totals continue at, or nearly at, record territory - and any attempt to lockdown with a weak economy will trigger a double dip recession.
The New York Fed s Weekly Leading Index (WLI) continues to show an economy that is just above the worst seen during the Great Recession. However, this index remains on a recovery trend based on the 13 week rolling average..
Analyst Opinion of the Weekly Leading Index
This data set should be considered a high-frequency coincident indicator on a par with the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index produced by the Philly Fed - and both show conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic are already worse than the Great Recession. However, the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index is improving whilst the WLI is still declining. Logic would say with the partial reopening of the economy - the Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index seems to be correct.
Written by Steven HansenThe New York Fed s Weekly Leading Index (WLI) continues to show an economy that is just above the worst seen during the Great Recession. However, this index remains on a recovery trend based on the 13 week rolling average..