Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, born at Madurai in Tamil Nadu, also watched the Sri Rama Keerthana recitation, Kamba Ramayana Upanyasam and ‘Pancharathna Keerthana at Sri Kamakshi Amman Temple in Kanchipuram, ahead of the Pran Prathisththa ceremony. Artistes rendered keerthanas of composers such as Thyagaraja, Sadasiva Brahmendra, Arunachala Kavi, Bhadrachala Ramadasu, Annamacharya and Purandara Dasa, as well as verses from the epic Silappathikaram.
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In the world of Carnatic Music, the Rama Natakam of Arunachala Kavi (1711-1779) is special. Simple in language and high in emotional content, they exert a universal appeal. Some of the songs from the opera have made it as independent concert pieces as well.
By எம். ஞானவேல் | Published on : 15th July 2021 05:23 AM | அ+அ அ- |
சீர்காழி: மயிலாடுதுறை மாவட்டம், சீர்காழியில் ஆண்டுதோறும் தமிழக அரசால் நடத்தப்படும் தமிழிசை மூவர் விழாவை தடையின்றி தொடர்ந்து நடத்த வேண்டும் என தமிழார்வலர்கள் வலியுறுத்துகின்றனர்.
தமிழுக்கு தமது இசைமூலம் பல்வேறு தொண்டுகள் புரிந்து, தொண்மையான தமிழ்மொழியின் சிறப்பை உலக மக்களிடையே கொண்டுசேர்த்த பெருமை சீர்காழ
How a Tamil opera was adapted to Kathakali
M.P.S. Namboodiri recalls his memorable choreographic work for Arunachala Kavi’s Rama Natakam
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M.P.S. Namboodiri recalls his memorable choreographic work for Arunachala Kavi’s Rama Natakam
In the four century-old history of Kathakali, October 28, 1995 is momentous. A play was presented in an Indian language other than Malayalam for the first time. Arunachala Kavi’s magnum opus
Rama Natakam, choreographed by the maestro Kalamandalam M.P.S. Namboodiri, was staged in Tamil that day.
M.P.S. Namboothiri and Krishnakumar presenting Rama Natakam Photo: Special arrangement