An Irish made film, directed by a Sligo filmmaker, described as a ‘dark Irish fairytale’ has been awarded Best Feature Film at the New Jersey Film Festival.
Event description
Come along with me
You don t have to worry
Good news is on the way
I m talking about the way things started out
Gonna end the same About this event
An end note, a daytime fragrance, this uplifting public event will be taking place as a conclusion of Liliane Puthod’s one year Project Studio at Temple Bar Gallery + Studios. Accompanied by an operator, you will be invited to experience a brief journey elevating you up around 14 meters high to glance at the artist’s studio, but only through its window facing Lower Fownes Street. This conclusion event is part of the artist’s ongoing research project La Réserve investigating the artist’s studio and how it differs from commonly held productive spaces.