Five girls from northeast of India have been rescued from the prostitution ring in Mysuru by City Crime Branch police. Read more about the operation and arrests here.
The Bhavnagar and Rajkot police arrested eight people with mephedrone worth Rs 35 in separate seizures done in 24 hours ending Tuesday. Bhavnagar police arrested four persons with narcotics worth Rs 34 lakh. In Rajkot, the special operations group (SOG) caught four persons including a woman and her son with 6.46 gm of MD on Tuesday.
Woman pickpocket arrested near Hardinge Circle in Mysuru. Police recover about Rs 2 lakh worth of gold and valuables. Woman passenger lost valuables near the bus stop on March 7.
Moti Nagar police busted a gang of robbers with the arrest of five persons. The police recovered 11 snatched mobiles, three motorcycles and a scooter besides three swords from their possession.