The special operations group (SOG) in Bhavnagar caught four people with 91.8 grams of mephedrone worth Rs 9 lakh. The police arrested Taufiq Mansuri, Ejaz Mansuri, Alfaz Gori, and Hussain alias Tiger Kaliwala. Read more about the arrests and investigation.
The forest department has arrested five people for shooting an Indian gaur near Kattery dam in Kundha forest range in the Nilgiris. Four surrendered before the court while one was arrested by a special team. The main accused is Mandapathil Shaji. All the accused are from Dharmagiri in Gudalur region.
A 50-year-old construction worker was arrested in Tirupur for spreading rumours about child trafficking in Neruperichal and Vavipalayam areas. He has been remanded in judicial custody.
Read about the public awareness programme in Hubballi and Ballari where cops showcased their talents to create awareness about crimes and frauds. Thousands of people participated in the programme.