[roll call] clerk we do have a quorum. Let me take the opportunity to those who may be up and running this morning, welcome to the San Francisco Treasure Island information and development committee, and let me give a shoutout to myeesteemmy esteemed commissioners this morning. Next item, please. [agenda item read]. So please, you dont have to have a card, so you can please come on. Okay. It seems there are no Public Comments. Clerk item number 3, conkent agenda. Proofing the items of the november 5, 2019 meeting. Okay. All in favor . Clerk okay. Item number 4, parks and future events. So Martin Wiggins will give a presentation of the future open spaces. Good morning, chair richardson, members of the committee. For the record, my name is Martin Wiggins, and im presenting on parks events andand programming. I felt the need to start a conversation with the committee on looking forward to park programming and events with an eye to some of the recent events that people are familiar with, s
Myeesteemmy esteemed commissioners this morning. Next item, please. [agenda item read]. So please, you dont have to have a card, so you can please come on. Okay. It seems there are no Public Comments. Clerk item number 3, conkent agenda. Proofing the items of the november 5, 2019 meeting. Okay. All in favor . Clerk okay. Item number 4, parks and future events. So Martin Wiggins will give a presentation of the future open spaces. Good morning, chair richardson, members of the committee. For the record, my name is Martin Wiggins, and im presenting on parks events andand programming. I felt the need to start a conversation with the committee on looking forward to park programming and events with an eye to some of the recent events that people are familiar with, so ill run through the presentation and im sure therell be time for discussion and questions. Ill start with events that people are familiar with. The Treasure Island music fe t festival has been here for a few years. In dark pink
Myeesteemmy esteemed commissioners this morning. Next item, please. [agenda item read]. So please, you dont have to have a card, so you can please come on. Okay. It seems there are no Public Comments. Clerk item number 3, conkent agenda. Proofing the items of the november 5, 2019 meeting. Okay. All in favor . Clerk okay. Item number 4, parks and future events. So Martin Wiggins will give a presentation of the future open spaces. Good morning, chair richardson, members of the committee. For the record, my name is Martin Wiggins, and im presenting on parks events andand programming. I felt the need to start a conversation with the committee on looking forward to park programming and events with an eye to some of the recent events that people are familiar with, so ill run through the presentation and im sure therell be time for discussion and questions. Ill start with events that people are familiar with. The Treasure Island music fe t festival has been here for a few years. In dark pink
Development committee, and let me give a shoutout to myeesteemmy esteemed commissioners this morning. Next item, please. [agenda item read]. So please, you dont have to have a card, so you can please come on. Okay. It seems there are no Public Comments. Clerk item number 3, conkent agenda. Proofing the items of the november 5, 2019 meeting. Okay. All in favor . Clerk okay. Item number 4, parks and future events. So Martin Wiggins will give a presentation of the future open spaces. Good morning, chair richardson, members of the committee. For the record, my name is Martin Wiggins, and im presenting on parks events andand programming. I felt the need to start a conversation with the committee on looking forward to park programming and events with an eye to some of the recent events that people are familiar with, so ill run through the presentation and im sure therell be time for discussion and questions. Ill start with events that people are familiar with. The Treasure Island music fe t
Hes now opened this gallery in paris to where the show by raymond patton. The fia contemporary art fair several 100 gallon rests admitted they were also setting their sights on continental europe. I feel that all the galleries are doing the same theyre looking at. Having a basin and europe and when you look across the european artistic grounds paris seems a natural choice. You could say that paris is going through a euphoric period and that paris is currently reclaiming the place it happened in the 1940. 4 wrong time london was a more lively and interesting location over the last years thats been shifting to paris. Where the money goes to the high end art market follows speculation that paris could become the new Financial Capital of the post rex and. Then france has other advantages to. Part of the very friendly sales tax rules here in france right now paris is the most affordable place to sell in europe. Of course the prospect of paris catching up with its long time rival london is a