I think that groves through his obsession with secrecy and not letting any information out really was one of the architects of not only the Manhattan Project architecture of secrecy, but what came afterwards and were still living with today. Were talking about compartmentalization, which was the bedrock way that he organized things. You only needed to know what you needed to know and nothing else. So that kept everyone limited to a certain spot. And i characterized it as a kind of pyramid. It was down at the bottom people hardly knew what they were working on at all. Maybe they were just turning the dial or something at oak ridge, and as you went up the pyramid, fewer and fewer people knew more and more about the different aspects of the program. And at the very top was general groves who knew everything, and it was really basically the source of his power because he was able to orient things in such a fashion to keep it moving. So i could talk about all of that and i could talk about
I think that groves through his obsession with secrecy and not letting any information out really was one of the architects of not only the Manhattan Project architecture of secrecy, but what came afterwards and were still living with today. Were talking about compartmentalization, which was the bedrock way that he organized things. You only needed to know what you needed to know and nothing else. So that kept everyone limited to a certain spot. And i characterized it as a kind of pyramid. It was down at the bottom people hardly knew what they were working on at all. Maybe they were just turning the dial or something at oak ridge, and as you went up the pyramid, fewer and fewer people knew more and more about the different aspects of the program. And at the very top was general groves who knew everything, and it was really basically the source of his power because he was able to orient things in such a fashion to keep it moving. So i could talk about all of that and i could talk about
When the Russians exploded their first atomic bomb in 1949, many U.S. officials and some scientists expressed public astonishment at Russia’s rapid progress in atomic…
Ernest Lawrence was an atomic scientist. George Koval was a Soviet spy. This is the story of two Siouxland natives involved with the Manhattan Project that produced the atomic bomb.
Ernest Lawrence was an atomic scientist. George Koval was a Soviet spy. This is the story of two Siouxland natives involved with the Manhattan Project that produced the atomic bomb.