11 30 eastern this morning. That vote series will include the first test for the latest republican Coronavirus Relief bill 60 votes will be needed to advance the measure. Live to the u. S. Floor of the senate here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will ms. Smith open the senate with prayer. The chaplain let us pray. O god, who sits on a lofty throne, we acknowledge your sovereignty over our nation and world. Keep us from becoming so desensitized to falsehood that we abort your plan for our lives. Lord, we are unworthy to approach your throne, for we are merely sinners, saved by your loving grace. Remove our guilt and forgive our sins. May we respond to your forgiveness by obeying your command for us to pray for our nation. Lord, use our senators today as messengers of truth, unity, and peace. Inspire them to stand for right, regardless of the consequences. We pray in your holy name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join m
Our free radio app and be part of the National Conversation through cspans daily washington General Program or through our social media feed. Cspan, created by americas People Television company as a Public Service and brought you today by your television provider. This was the europe of 1941. The nazi blitz krieg, had overwhelm fronts, holland, belgium, denmark, norway, and luxembourg. Russian armies were in desperate retreat. The German Air Force was raining death and destruction on england. Combined italian and German Forces were menacing egypt. Their objective to defeat an opposing british army and dominate all north africa. In asia, japanese air and Ground Forces were driving forward in their bloody conquest of china. Only one of the worlds major powers was still not at war, the United States. It was a sunday afternoon in december 1941. The statue of liberty towered over the new york harbor as if she were the last symbol of freedom left to the crumbling free world. Afternoon in ne
And go home to my lord and be free oh, freedom oh, freedom and we wont be afraid ill be buried in my grave and go home to my lord and be free all right freedom, freedom and we wont be afraid ill be buried in my grave and go home to my lord and be free what are we marching for . Freedom. How long are we going to march . Until we are free. All right freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home freedom come and i want to home. Freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home [singing] freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home i gain my freedom on the others freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home freedom, Freedom Freedom come and i want to go home oh, freedom, my lord i will be free we shall overcome [singing] those young people singing the anthem of the American Revolution of 1963 were freedom riders. They were a part of the pattern developed in this revolution, a pattern fashioned by events, more than ev
Birmingham helped shatter that apathy. Sometime or other, we are going to have to stand and be on the receiving end of a fire hose. Leaders of all three states decided they must do something, not to say something. Soon, many white clergymen were stepping from behind their pulpits and joining the ranks of pickets. Until then, Church Action have been limited to a few fronts. Among them, new orleans. It was three years ago that desegregation came to the deep south. It happened in new orleans. The battle developed within the White Community, those who saw desegregation as an eventuality with which to reach an accommodation, personified by most members of the new Orleans School board. On the other side, those who shouted never, many of them members of the rural dominated state legislature. For a time, the second force prevailed largely because the city leadership shrank from the fight. As frequently happens in leadership vacuums, even in the streets of a city so sophisticated as this one, v
What are we watching for . How long are we gonna march . Freedom, freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom, my lord, i will be free, we shall overcome. Those young people singing the anthem of the revolution were freedom riders, they were part of the people developed in this revolution. Fashioned to a pattern. Along the way the blacks evolved to freedom rides and the citizens, the direct action campaign, they boil the economic boycott and use federal troops, killed and have been killed. We are about to see them all. As we see them, we will see the growing participation of young whites in the battle. That increase the numbers, been physically and morally. They have taken part increasing numbers, particularly in sitin demonstrations. It was a tactic employed by College Students in greensboro, North Carolina. On february 1st, 1960, a group of freshman them wrote a new page of sit in history, ignoring the ancient barriers, they set themselves at a segregated lunch counter. They were asked to lea