In 2008, mark served as the visiting senior lecturer of war studies at the Royal Military academy at sandhurst in the united kingdom. He is the author of eight books and he currently has two other books in the works. His presentation today is taken from his most recent work, the seventh West Virginia industry. It is coauthored. [applause] mark thank you. Before i give my presentation, i want to give you a little background about the seventh virginia infantry regiment. That is how it started out. It was recruited in the summer and fall of 1861, primarily from the North Central part of West Virginia. Let me bring up a map. Primarily from northcentral West Virginia, and also Monroe County, ohio and ring county, pennsylvania. Greene county is here, Monroe County is here. The recruiting area is basically this area, plus a little bit of Greene County and Monroe County, ohio. Their initial service was about 50 miles west of winchester, virginia. Most of their Early Service was in the lower pa
And the war was won million men, old. Hang on. Keep your eyes shut to drink. Theyre moving back now. Dont give up. Just hang on. The road back is bumpy. And maybe the pain blurs your eyes. But. The sound of battle grows dim. And no one question cuts. Clearly the haze. Which man will you be . The one who gets hurt and dies . Or the one who gets hurt and lives . When the dizziness stopped, when the fog cleared and army nurse was your side a. A woman who meant safety and comfort home to thousands of men before you. A woman who meant all those things. You. A brought another americans blood to your side. To pour a new strength into your veins. A nurse handed clamps to the surgeon and cut sponges. A prepared and administered the mistake and watched you constantly for. Any telltale change in your breathing or blood. All working with the same purpose. To ease the pain of war. To help save lives. The preparation for the moment that would bring the army nurse to your side began months before bac
And the war was won million men, old. Hang on. Keep your eyes shut to drink. Theyre moving back now. Dont give up. Just hang on. The road back is bumpy. And maybe the pain blurs your eyes. But. The sound of battle grows dim. And no one question cuts. Clearly the haze. Which man will you be . The one who gets hurt and dies . Or the one who gets hurt and lives . When the dizziness stopped, when the fog cleared and army nurse was your side a. A woman who meant safety and comfort home to thousands of men before you. A woman who meant all those things. You. A brought another americans blood to your side. To pour a new strength into your veins. A nurse handed clamps to the surgeon and cut sponges. A prepared and administered the mistake and watched you constantly for. Any telltale change in your breathing or blood. All working with the same purpose. To ease the pain of war. To help save lives. The preparation for the moment that would bring the army nurse to your side began months before bac
Of the premiere tomorrow at 20 00 on ntv, yeah, oh, you already gave up, and i thought we would get ahead of you, we had an extreme call without hospitalization, bone, wait 2 seconds, of course, i understand, ill be quick, raya, go, maxim, ill hand over everything , ill hand over everything, go, right, right, go, i ll throw the box in the first aid kit, okay, and how to get it out, yes, you take it with yours with your hands, harder, you begin to pull on yourself, thats it. Thats it, thats all, the main thing here is to pull harder, so what are you doing . He really ran away, little ara, im so pleased to meet you at the substation, your uniform suits you so well, dont make excuses, you cant even be in the same room with him, well, yes, such an unpleasant person, i dont understand how you re still tired of me, why should you bother me . Well, as they say, working together spoils relationships. Kostya, if you and i didnt work together, we would see each other once every 3 days. If you wa
Dole,n and senator bob the republican nominee. This event is sponsored by a commission on president ial debates that will last 90 minutes following the format and rules worked out by the two campaigns. Openingll be twominute and closing statements, questions each having three parts, a 92nd answer, a 60 second rebuttal, and a 32nd response. A 90 second answer, a 60second 3buttal, and a 32nd 0second response. Mr. Clinton. Mr. Clinton thank you. I want to begin by saying again how much i respect senator dole and his Public Service and how hard i will try to make this campaign and debate one of ideas and not insults. , iran and wanted to turn this country around, responsibility from all, and American Community where everybody has a role to play. I wanted a government smaller and less bureaucratic to help people. Four years ago, you took me on faith. Now there is a record. Rising incomes, falling crime america, atll peace. We are better off and we were four years ago. Lets keep it going. We