Fifteen Sena medals were awarded to army personnel on Thursday during the Army Day celebrations in New Delhi for gallantry in combat operations. Among the winners was a Bengalurean, Major Neil Silas Lobo. As per his commendation, Major Lobo, a member of the 8th Light Cavalry but seconded to the Rashtriya Rifles, showed courage during cordoning operations in Jammu and Kashmir.
Army Day 2022 President Ram Nath Kovind also extended his greetings on Army Day and said that the Indian Army has been pivotal in ensuring national security
"Indian Army personnel serve in hostile terrains and are at the forefront of helping fellow citizens during humanitarian crisis, including natural disasters. India is proud of the stellar contribution of the Army in Peacekeeping Missions overseas as well," PM Modi tweeted. Army Day 2022: India is Proud of Stellar Contribution of Army in Peacekeeping Missions Overseas, Says PM Narendra Modi.
Fifty years on, still fresh in my mind is the day I jumped out of the Helicopter on December 9, 1971, amidst the Sylhet Garison with bullets flying around, and rushing forward to my Company.
Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat’s death in an air crash came as a big blow to India. And while many are still mourning his death, here we flip through the pages of history to spotlight a few bravehearts who have given their all to the nation