Because. Here s another. The American Cancer Society discovery shop needs your donations of new. Clothing jewelry bric a brac home decor and more donations are tax deductible and support cancer patients . They also need volunteers daily the discovery shop is located at 2376. 30887434. Is. That you can borrow more money for money so. That we can build our credit so that we can borrow money is that how this works are you. Seriously. That we could build. A morning from. Wife is coming back for manatees coming back nationalism is coming back. Humanity is awakening. The ace of spades ladies and gentlemen my 4th 2019. Will be the demarcation line of the launch of the new Renaissance and the true New American Century and the beginning of the end of the Globalist as humanity prepares to face the next level of challenges we are supposing the global is at this point at every level but they are in their death throes they are striking back with everything they ve got we have incredible news comi
There Trey Gowdy is not going to run for reelection he s on his way out I have thoughts on that in a few moments the state of the Union address was last night you certainly are going to have thoughts on that and we will explore them we also know this Pfizer memo back and forth is continuing and it s a cause of a great concern for many people looking at it but it got me thinking and I just put this out on Twitter a little while ago and it may seem obvious but it is worth really thinking about. Really really thinking about here is my question and I want your thoughts at 807-680-7653 extension 62 now don t just don t just jump to your conclusion here think about the practical implications for what I m about to describe We know that there was a conspiracy inside the Department of Justice and likely inside the intelligence community to monitor spy on surveil the Trump campaign during the campaign and in the transition we know that Peter Struck and Lisa Paige both toxic partisans in the Dep
Investigator you re in a new world it is a new challenge for Internet communities to have to deal with nation states attempting to subvert elections but if that s what we must do then we are committed to rising to the occasion c.e.o. Mark Zuckerberg the company had already released the as to federal authorities investigating Russian interference in the election the leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee have wanted to bring Facebook executives before their committee since the company revealed the ads existed 2 weeks ago for New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez had a convert to brain disease that can be caused by head trauma. In advance stage 3 of c.t.e. Which is usually found in the median age of a 67 year old man and his family attorney Jose Baez Hernandez killed himself in April in the jail cell here where he was serving life without parole for a 2013 murder by is also announcing a lawsuit against the n.f.l. And the Patriots they have a front end as his daughter Fox
Hurricane Center President Trump has already signed a disaster declaration for Puerto Rico allowing thema to begin staging relief supplies for the 1st time President Trump will address the United Nations General Assembly in the morning he s expected to try and rally the world against North Korea is expected to talk about u.s. Led efforts to try and pressure Pyongyang to give up its nuclear program and stop its missile launches but so far 9 United Nations Security Council resolutions over the last 11 years have failed to deter Kim s Quest their president is also expected to confront Iran he has threatened to scrap the Iranian nuclear deal but so far has signed off on its required deadlines keeping it. On at the u.n. The president hosted a dinner for lacke the American presidents Monday night promising to keep an eye on Venezuela s president Nicolas Maduro a report of the New York Times suggests an indictment is likely for former campaign chairman Paul Mann afford for his lobbying work
Very near some of those northern Leeward Islands and then Wednesday to be approaching and move near over likely over at the moment it looks like portions of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico that s meteorologist Richard Pash of the National Hurricane Center President Trump has already signed a disaster declaration for Puerto Rico allowing thema to begin staging relief supplies for the 1st time President Trump will address the United Nations General Assembly in the morning he s expected to try and rally the world against North Korea is expected to talk about u.s. Led efforts to try and pressure Pyongyang to give up its nuclear program and stop its missile launches but so far 9 United Nations Security Council resolutions over the last 11 years have failed to deter Kim s Quest their president is also expected to confront Iran he has threatened to scrap the Iranian nuclear deal but so far has signed off on its required deadlines keeping it in place at the u.n. The president hosted a dinn