there are people, however, who claim to have seen mcveigh at elohim city, and probably the strongest evidence that he was there is a ticket he received from an arkansas highway patrolman about four miles into arkansas from oklahoma on the road that takes you straight to elohim city. if he wasn t there, where was he? attorney general think mcveigh made some calls to elohim city. he drove near the area we know, but beyond that, any connection to elohim city or the notion that there were others involved is speculation heaped on top of speculation. even assumes others were involved, why would mcveigh so strongly insist that he acted alone? i believe the only ones that actually knew what they were
tim mcveigh and elohim city. tim mcveigh says he never went there. there are people who claim to have seen mcveigh at elohim city. and probably the strongest evidence he was there is a ticket he received from an arkansas highway patrolman about four miles into arkansas from oklahoma on a road that takes you straight to elohim city. so if he was not at elohim city, where was he? timothy mcveigh made some calls to elohim city. he drove near the area, we know. but beyond that, any connection to elohim city or the notion that there were others involved is speculation heaped on top of speculation. but even assuming others were involved, why would mcveigh so strongly insist that he acted alone, with help only from nichols and fortier? he believed that in lying, he
the country, establishing their own laws, really setting themselves apart from mainstream cities and locations on purpose and believing then that not only people of other faiths or ethnicities or nationalalities were the enemy, but that the united states government was the biggest enemy. the question that reoccurs was what was the connection between tim mcveigh and elohim city. tim mcveigh said he never went there. there are people, however, who claim to have seen mcveigh at elohim city, and probably the strongest evidence that he was there is a ticket he received from an arkansas highway patrolman about four miles into arkansas from oklahoma on the road that takes you straight to elohim city. if he wasn t there, where was he? attorney general think mcveigh made some calls to elohim city. he drove near the area we know, but beyond that, any connection
city. tim mcveigh said he never went there. there are people, however, who claim to have seen mcveigh at elohim city, and probably the strongest evidence that he was there is a ticket he received from an arkansas highway patrolman about four miles into arkansas from oklahoma on the road that takes you straight to elohim city. if he wasn t there, where was he? timothy mcveigh made some calls to elohim city. he drove near the area we know. but beyond that, any connection to elohim city or the notion that there were others involved is speculation heaped on top of speculation. but even assuming others were involved, why would mcveigh even insist he acted alone? he believed that in lying, he