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Two Americans died and two became seriously ill from an obscure disease known as the "Vietnamese time bomb" after being infected with a bacterium linked to an India-manufactured aromatherapy spray sold in Walmart. The first infections of burkholderia pseudomallei were detected on Aug 9 by a laboratory of the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in America. Technicians.
India s covid collapse, part 4: How the delay in test results accelerated spread of the virus Sonali Acharjee
When the World Health Organization declared Covid a global pandemic in early March last year, India had 14 RT-PCR testing labs. By end-March, the country had added 106 Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDLs). Far behind countries such as South Korea and the US initially in terms of the number of tests, India beefed up its testing capacity quickly. By April 2020, we had 166 labs for testing and by July 1,600. The number of daily tests shot up from 1,500 in April to 200,000 in June, and 1 million in October. By the time the first wave subsided in November, India had 2,257 Covid testing labs, the average wait time for a result was 12-24 hours.
ISSUE DATE: May 17, 2021
UPDATED: May 7, 2021 23:36 IST
Staff at the Ghazipur crematorium in Delhi cart in fresh logs as
funeral pyres burn all around them (Rajk Raj/ Getty Images)
The second wave of Covid-19 is still cresting but by now we have all been touched by its terrors, and all too many of us by its sorrows and the dismal realisation that we are in the midst of a recurring nightmare, a tragedy foretold. Here, we expose the sorry tale of neglect, apathy and failure of our political leadership. The institutional collapse and bureaucratic cowardice that facilitated super-spreader religious festivals and the political carnival of an eight-phase election campaign even as the second wave of a pandemic was breaking. The narcissism that enabled our leadership to ignore the warnings of expert groups. Their inability to form bipartisan alliances between the Centre and the states in the middle of a national calamity. Now that some of the loudest voices in the land have gone quiet, t