Before she was shot, a neighbor later said, Josie had been arguing for a few minutes with a man while standing in the front yard. The gate at the end of the driveway was still closed.
An ambulance came and took the shot woman to Banner Mesa Hospital. She was later transferred to Banner s Phoenix hospital. But she checked herself out about a week and a half later, family members said, complaining of the care she received there. She was always sick after that, her mother said.
Josie was unemployed at the time and had recently moved in with her mother and brother in the home in Guadalupe, a small town tucked between Tempe and Phoenix populated mostly by Latinos and Yaqui natives. Their front yard is full of knick-knacks acquired over the years; when
No record of authorization for the March 2020 delivery exists, and nearly a year later, the city remains coy about who approved it.
The material was dumped in huge mounds and alongside roads not far from the park entrance in what seemed a haphazard fashion to some. The activists claimed that the material contained residue of petrochemicals, but city officials deny it s contaminated.
City leaders consider the case closed. The Parks and Recreation Department said through a spokesperson that the delivery from Maracay had been long-planned, that the material was clean, and that by now it has all been dispersed throughout the park and used for building erosion-control structures.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection declined comment on the lawsuit. The agency hasn t said much at all about the incident, frustrating Risner and his client. Besides not releasing the officer s name, CBP hasn t said exactly where the incident occurred a fact that could be crucial in the case.
The incident began at about 7 p.m. on February 7, 2019, in one of the southbound lanes of the DeConcini Crossing port of entry in Nogales, Arizona. Customs officers alerted to the small, tan pickup Mendivil Perez was driving, which displayed the license plate of a different vehicle, said a CBP post published on its site a few days later.
Between MMJ and recreational pot, dispensary companies in the state are planning to grow two-to-three times as much marijuana in 2021, but the reality of recreational in the state remains to be seen, said Sam Richard, executive director of the Arizona Dispensaries Association. Some of the revenue growth will be due to higher prices in the initial months of recreational sales, he added. Largely, the trajectory of the growth in medical sales will likely taper off while the new combined industry reaches new frontiers, he said. Last year s 106 tons in sales is close to the weight of a fully loaded space shuttle on its way to the space station, and while the medical program is approaching cruising altitude, the industry as a whole is set to travel much further.
It was quite a night, he said. It was just about the most rewarding volunteer thing I ve ever done.
But he acknowledged that he had quickly achieved his goal: An hour into it, I looked at the medic and said, Could you just give me the vaccine now? She said sure.
Technically, the only people qualified to receive the vaccine are in groups 1A or 1B. The first group includes health care workers and nursing-home residents, but the state and Maricopa County have differed on 1B criteria. State sites vaccinate people 65 and older, K-12 educators, college employees, and law enforcement and corrections officers; county sites limit shots to people 75 and older and haven t included college employees.