Quorum call quorum call the presiding officer the senator for ohio. Mr. Brown i ask unanimous consent to dispense with the quorum call. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Brown right now, at this moment, thousands of u. A. W. Workers in ohio, in places like the chevrolet plant in the cleveland area, the transmission plant in toledo, the plant in defiance, ohio, all over the country are going without their paychecks, without their Health Insurance to demand that General Motors respect the work they do to make their company successful. In a nutshell, workers are fed up. More and more of them are beginning to see that unions are the best way to make their voices heard. For too long, General Motors hasnt listened. Auto workers are the engine behind g. M. s success. G. M. Wouldnt be making a dime in profit without the workers who actually make their cars and trucks. Back up for a moment, mr. President. Think about whats happened to General Motors, and you have you have auto worker
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