each. this can be six points apart. it could be even bigger. the nbc wall street journal poll had nine point advantage in democrats in the poll. that is bigger than 80. 12 will be democratic year than 2008. bret: for romney to win tuesday, polls have to be wrong. some have to be wrong a little because the vase that close. the national polls in the last, in the last week, 23 polls,be if you average them together. 48.3 for romney. 48.1 for obama. as of 10:00 this morning. so it s dead especially. knife s edge, exciting outcome. bret: we said. we want no tossup. joe, first. prediction. here is your map. 303 electoral vote for obama. they include on swing states i think he will win or colorado.
valley or fox river valley. men who are neither reliably republican or democrat. they tailgateed at lambeau field. the heart of fox valley. green bay, richmond, lacrosse. they went for george bush in 2004. they went for walker in june. real clear politics points to obama up over romney by 4.2% in an average of polls here. that they call a tossup. republicans believe that the ground game that propelled governor walker to victory will propel romney to victory tomorrow. the democrats have a good
iowa, ohio, virginia, new hampshire. my theory is somebody is right about the turn-out model. if obama mod is right, he will win a lot of the swing states. may win florida if the mod is right. if the romney mod is correct we are likely to see what karl s map will show. karl no, tossup. what does your map look up? i object to the tossups. a bunch of the states aren t tossup. nevada, i put it in the democratic column. a tossup. there it is. these were the rules. exactly. but you made the rules. owe didn t deliver your own map. 285 for romney 253 for obama. romney carries mccain state and florida. i thinkness and wisconsin, potential pennsylvania are knife s edge states. inness, up for nevada.
real clear politics average of recent national polls has the president ahead by a little more than half a point. just ahead, karl rove and joe trippi break down the final electoral map and offer their prediction. the tug of war over ohio landed two men, not joe and carl, president obama and governor romney in shouting distance in the state capital. chief political correspondent begins our coverage from columbus. romney hit four states, tossup in the poll and the map to 270 electoral votes. we could begin better tomorrow, tomorrow and with the help of people in florida that will happen. first stop, florida, with shot at the president to shore up lead that dwindled. cared more about the liberal agenda than repairing the economy. did obamacare create new jobs?