The world as the annIversary of October 7 approaches. In other news. Tech BIllIonaIre Elon Musk joIns republIcan NomInee Donald Trump On Stage In butler, pennsylvanIa as he returns to the sIte of hIs attempted assassInatIon. You are watchIng Bbc News and you joIn us here In the kr boots not far from the Gaza Border In front of one of the homes as you can see was brutally attacked In the early hours of october seven a year ago. Everybody who lIved In the homes behInd us are dead. Some of the famIlIes that are gatherIng near to not farfrom where we are broadcastIng to commemorate the lIves that were taken and the hostages stIll beIng held In gaza. The communIty suffered terrIbly In the october seven attacks. A small communIty of 400 people saw 117 people kIlled or kIdnapped. That Is a quarter of thIs communIty. In a moment, we wIll speak to someone who saw sIx members of herfamIly taken and someone who lost Loved Ones In the attack. Lets look fIrst at the latest development, begInnIng wI