The world as the annIversary of'>October 7 approaches. In other news. Tech'>BIllIonaIre Elon Musk joIns republIcan'>NomInee Donald Trump'>On Stage In butler, pennsylvanIa as he returns to the sIte of hIs attempted assassInatIon. You are watchIng'>Bbc News and you joIn us here In the kr boots not far from the'>Gaza Border In front of one of the homes as you can see was brutally attacked In the early hours of october seven a year ago. Everybody who lIved In the homes behInd us are dead. Some of the famIlIes that are gatherIng near to not farfrom where we are broadcastIng to commemorate the lIves that were taken and the hostages stIll beIng held In gaza. The communIty suffered terrIbly In the october seven attacks. A small communIty of 400 people saw 117 people kIlled or kIdnapped. That Is a quarter of thIs communIty. In a moment, we wIll speak to someone who saw sIx members of herfamIly taken and someone who lost'>Loved Ones In the attack. Lets look fIrst at the latest development, begInnIng wIth the attacks overnIght In lebanon. Israel contInued Its bombardment of the capItal, the most brutal yet, and the attacks have been descrIbed as very vIolent. These pIctures from beIrut show the skylIne and the smoke rIsIng. That Is In'>Southern Lebanon, along the IsraelI border, hezbollah fIred rockets Into Israel. Defence forces say 30 rockets were launched Into the north. Everyone pretty much has left the area, evacuated. It saId fIghters repelled the IsraelI troops that trIed to enter a lebanese vIllage. There have also been attacks overnIght. That Is In the'>Gaza StrIp. But fIrst let look at what has been happenIng In lebanon. The bbc� s'>LIna SInjab Is In beIrut. It was really apocalyptIc. These people felt they were watchIng hell on earth. The fIre, the constant attacks, the fear, whether people who are In the area orsurroundIng, or even a lIttle bIt far, the sound, seeIng and feel of these bombardments were terrIble. Of course, thIs Is not the fIrst nIght that the lebanese are lIvIng these kInds of horror moments, It has been nIght and knIghts of sleepless hours for the lebanese,'>AIr StrIkes overnIght and destructIon durIng the day. They see people fleeIng, there are dead people, It Is attack after another and for the lebanese, really, It Is obvIous for them, It Is not only an attack on hezbollah or a defence of the southern border for the IsraelIs, but an expanded attack, thIs Is how the lebanese see It,'>To CrIpple Hezbollah and stop any kInd of resIstance agaInst Israel and that could be a target anywhere, any tIme, even In cIvIlIan areas. Our'>Correspondent LIna reportIng from beIrut. Lets return now to the sItuatIon here In thIs kIbbutz one year on. We arejoIned on here In thIs kIbbutz one year on. We are joIned on the here In thIs kIbbutz one year on. We arejoIned on the lIne. JoInIng me now Is efrat machIkawa. SIx members of herfamIly were taken hostage by hamas. The horrIfIc hours thIs communIty went to. You can see some of the damage behInd us. Seems lIke thIs wrIte a crust thIs small kIbbutz of 400 people. Over the past year, four members of herfamIly people. Over the past year, four members of her famIly have returned. Her uncle Is stIll held hostage, hIs partner was kIlled as they were tryIng to take her Into gaza. Thank you very much forjoInIng us. I know thIs Is a very paInful tIme of remembrance. What Is most In your'>MInd Today . I thank you very much for comIng to the kIbbutz and I trust you can feel the'>Sonance between the beautIful, the green In the atrocIty that happened there. For us, It Is really stIll hard to belIeve. That the terrIble destructIon of the kIbbutz really happened. And so many of them, the force of the communIty was eIther brutally murdered or kIdnapped and we are stIll lIvIng the october seven. I dont know, thIs year seems to me lIke maybe at the most, two months. And we have done so much, we have been everywhere. We have trIed everythIng we could and yet, they are not back. It Is very sad. , ,. , sad. For. DescrIbed the moment sad. For. DescrIbed the moment when sad. For. DescrIbed the moment when you sad. For. DescrIbed the moment when you were l sad. For. DescrIbed the moment when you were able to welcome back for members of yourfamIly who were welcome back for members of your famIly who were taken hostage. I understand they came home as part of the temporary truce that was achIeved In'>November. Truce that was achIeved In'>November. ,. , ~. ,'>November. Yes. Thank you for stressIng'>November. Yes. Thank you for stressIng that'>November. Yes. Thank you for stressIng that because'>November. Yes. Thank you for stressIng that because thIs'>November. Yes. Thank you for stressIng that because thIs Is l stressIng that because thIs Is what gIves us hope. The moment you see them comIng back Is a true lIght over the world and although there are so many worrIes of what you should do or how you should speak or how It wIll be for them to hear all the news and to understand what happened, we really concentrate on what there Is and the famIly, the communIty, and the resIlIence of both Is very, very Important. On one sIde, we were very, very happy. On the other, I was full of tears because we are mIssIng the rest of the communIty and the rest of the communIty and the rest of the communIty and the rest of the 101, we all became one famIly. To be a hostage famIly, It really means that when you are thIrsty, you take a second to thInk, what happens wIth'>DrInkIng Water over wIth the hostages . Or the terrIble other lIttle thIngs lIke what do they do If they have a'>MosquIto BIte . Are there fleas all over them . Can they sleep . Can I complaIn about havIng a'>Shoulder PaIn when I know they are goIng through so many terrIble other thIngs . It really affects your lIfe. There Is not a second of our'>LIves ThatIs Is not a second of our lIves that Is not connected to what Is happenIng wIth our'>Loved Ones. On one hand, we see theIr happIness and I am very, very pleased to tell you that the one who came back actually announced they are pregnant and new lIfe Is comIng, we hope that the grandfather and new uncle wIll be able to come back and overcome the dIffIcultIes here wIth the'>Ray Of LIght over the horIzon. figs here wIth the'>Ray Of LIght over the horIzon. Here wIth the'>Ray Of LIght over the horIzon. As you know, thIs agonIsIng the horIzon. As you know, thIs agonIsIng tIme the horIzon. As you know, thIs agonIsIng tIme for the horIzon. As you know, thIs agonIsIng tIme for the the horIzon. As you know, thIsI agonIsIng tIme for the famIlIes of the hostages, as you have been descrIbIng, many of them have been taken to the'>Streets NIght after nIght, callIng for a ceasefIre, warnIng and worryIng that every day thIs war goes on, Is a day that theIr'>Loved Ones are sufferIng even more. Are you part of those protest . Even more. Are you part of those protest . Sure, I am here now talkIng those protest . Sure, I am here now talkIng to those protest . Sure, I am here now talkIng to you, those protest . Sure, I am here now talkIng to you, but those protest . Sure, I am here now talkIng to you, but my now talkIng to you, but my cousIns were out there earlIer In the mornIng protestIng. We are there all the tIme. As we cannot always be all of us together, we do have shIfts, sometImes we march together, but there Is always someone out there. And I thInk thIs Is a dIsgrace, actually. Because the famIlIes should not be fIghtIng for'>FamIly Members famIlIes should not be fIghtIng for theIr'>FamIly Members and communIty members, thIs Is the responsIbIlIty of our government and they are not doIng enough because a year has passed and our'>Loved Ones are not here. ThIs Is outrageous. And I thInk that these'>Terror Attacks should worry people all over the world, wherever you are. We are a normalfamIly, we never thought somethIng so terrIble could happen to us or our neIghbours and It dId. And I thInk whether you are In brItaIn or In'>South AfrIca or the unIted states, It does not matter, terror Is a scary thIng. It can hIt any tIme. We all have, as a huge InternatIonal coalItIon to make sure that thIs does not happen to anyone and we do have to gIve hope for everyone from whatever sIde they are on the border that thIngs can be better. So that all the good people, and I say It not In an Innocent way, but all the good people and the moral and those who have morals and values should really unIte In order to brIng back these hostages because by then comIng back, we wIll start to rewInd the cycle of vIolence. We have to make thIs world better. ThIs world better. DIfferent. Thank you thIs world better. DIfferent. Thank you very thIs world better. DIfferent. Thank you very much thIs world better. DIfferent. Thank you very much for thIs world better. DIfferent. Thank you very much forjoInIng us. We hope your uncle comes home and the rest of the IsraelI hostages saId to be numberIng around 100. Many In thIs communIty, a quarter of thIs communIty, a quarter of thIs communIty, a quarter of thIs communIty eIther kIlled or kIdnapped, we are here wIth julIan. WIth me now IsjulIan cohen, whose partner was murdered by hamas In the october seventh attacks. You have your badge on sayIng brIng us back. I know It Is hard to do to go back to the early hours of october seven and where you wearIng what you dId. fist and where you wearIng what you dId. ~. ,. , and where you wearIng what you dId. �. , ~ [111. , dId. At about 6 30am, we receIved dId. At about 6 30am, we receIved the dId. At about 6 30am, we receIved the red dId. At about 6 30am, we receIved the'>Red Alert dId. At about 6 30am, we receIved the'>Red Alert to l dId. At about 6 30am,'>We L receIved the'>Red Alert to tell us to receIved the'>Red Alert to tell us to go receIved the'>Red Alert to tell us to go In the shelter. I took my dog us to go In the shelter. I took my'>Dog Pepper and went Into the sheIten my'>Dog Pepper and went Into the shelter. BelIevIng lIke everybody that we would be out In a few everybody that we would be out In a few moments. But as soon as I In a few moments. But as soon as I heard In a few moments. But as soon as I heard the and the automatIc fIre wIthIn the kIbbutz, I knew thIs was a dIfferent alert. I constantly trIed dIfferent alert. I constantly trIed to dIfferent alert. I constantly trIed to reach my partner and other trIed to reach my partner and other members of her famIly and frIends other members of her famIly and frIends unsuccessfully. A lIttle frIends unsuccessfully. A lIttle bIt later, the terrorIsts entered my home. Attempted to enter the shelter where attempted to enter the shelter where I attempted to enter the shelter where I was hIdIng, and I managed to hold the'>Door Handle because managed to hold the'>Door Handle because shut the deadlock. It seemed because shut the deadlock. It seemed lIke an eternIty, but I am sure seemed lIke an eternIty, but I am sure It seemed lIke an eternIty, but I am sure It wasnt. They eventually left after smashIng the house and breakIng thIngs. AgaIn, the house and breakIng thIngs. AgaIn, no the house and breakIng thIngs. AgaIn, no communIcatIons. Maybe an hour agaIn, no communIcatIons. Maybe an hour passed and they came back an hour passed and they came back agaIn. By thIs tIme, I had managed back agaIn. By thIs tIme, I had managed to jam the door shut wIth managed to jam the door shut wIth a managed to jam the door shut wIth a broken chaIr. I was there. WIth a broken chaIr. I was there. Or wIth a broken chaIr. I was there, orwe wIth a broken chaIr. I was there, or we were there untIl 430 there, or we were there untIl 430 am there, or we were there untIl 4. 30 am when we were rescued by'>The Army 4. 30 am when we were rescued by the arm I 4. 30 am when we were rescued by'>The Army. I was taken to a place'>The Army. I was taken to a place central of the kIbbutz, surrounded by soldIers to keep a safe surrounded by soldIers to keep a safe and I ImmedIately started a safe and I ImmedIately started to look for my partner and her started to look for my partner and herfamIly. Only to started to look for my partner and her famIly. Only to be told that she and her famIly. Only to be told that she had been murdered In her home that she had been murdered In her home and we are standIng outsIde her home and we are standIng outsIde the home of her'>Son who was murdered wIth hIs wIfe, theIr was murdered wIth hIs wIfe, theIr twIn was murdered wIth hIs wIfe, theIr twIn daughters aged sIx and theIr'>Son. It theIr twIn daughters aged sIx and theIr'>Son. And theIr'>Son. It Is hard to. Such a beautIful and theIr'>Son. It Is hard to. Such a beautIful communIty, I and theIr'>Son. It Is hard to. L such a beautIful communIty, Is It hard to come back here . It Is very hard to come back here. But I Is very hard to come back here. But I wIII Is very hard to come back here. But I wIll say one thIng, I had every but I wIll say one thIng, I had every IntentIon of returnIng to nIr 02 every IntentIon of returnIng to'>NIr Oz and endIng my days on'>NIr Oz and endIng my days on nIroz'>NIr Oz and endIng my days on nIroz and helpIng to'>NIr Oz and endIng my days on'>NIr Oz and helpIng to rebuIld the home that we had. There are many the home that we had. There are many other the home that we had. There are many other people that thInk'>LIke Me many other people that thInk'>LIke Me. ThIs Is our home and we wIII'>LIke Me. ThIs Is our home and we wIll return to our home. | we wIll return to our home. I am we wIll return to our home. Am so sorry we wIll return to our home. I am so sorry that you lost your partner, so many others dId to you and same much other loss In thIs communIty. TallIs, a lot of the communIty was Involved In efforts to brIng about peace. In efforts to brIng about eace. ,. , peace. NIr oz has a hIstory, It was a leftwIng peace. NIr oz has a hIstory, It was a leftwIng kIbbutz, was a left wIng kIbbutz, peaceful movement, many of the members peaceful movement, many of the members were Involved wIth work wIth the members were Involved wIth work wIth the palestInIans In gaza. One wIth the palestInIans In gaza. One member, may he rest In peace one member, may he rest In peace drove patIents from gaza to the peace drove patIents from gaza to the hospItal for treatment. The hope to the hospItal for treatment. The'>Hope And Prayer of the kIbbutz the'>Hope And Prayer of the kIbbutz was that we could lIve In'>Peace KIbbutz was that we could lIve In peace wIth our neIghbours. Unfortunately. Do you thInk that wIll be possIble . One day . Deep down, I would lIke to belIeve deep down, I would lIke to belIeve that. BeIng a realIst, I belIeve that. BeIng a realIst, I am belIeve that. BeIng a realIst, I am not belIeve that. BeIng a realIst, I am not sure. You'>Cannot SIt down I am not sure. You'>Cannot SIt down and I am not sure. You'>Cannot SIt down and we have to sIt down at the'>Table Down and we have to sIt down at the table and talk, and you cannot the table and talk, and you'>Cannot SIt down and talk to people'>Cannot SIt down and talk to people whos'>Son for beIng Is to people whos'>Son for beIng Is to take people whos'>Son for beIng Is to take your way and to kIll you Is to take your way and to kIll you as Is to take your way and to kIll you. As we Is to take your way and to kIll you. As we can see from the seventh. You. As we can see from the seventh, does not matter If you are a seventh, does not matter If you are a baby, seventh, does not matter If you are a baby, a man, a mother, just are a baby, a man, a mother, just to are a baby, a man, a mother, just to kIll are a baby, a man, a mother, just to kIll and murder. It Is very just to kIll and murder. It Is very hard just to kIll and murder. It Is very hard to thInk about peace wIth very hard to thInk about peace wIth thIs very hard to thInk about peace wIth thIs kInd of Ideology. Thank wIth thIs kInd of Ideology. Thank you for sharIng wIth us thIs very dIffIcult moment wIth you. ThIs very dIffIcult moment wIth ou. , ~ thIs very dIffIcult moment wIth ou. , ~ ,. , thIs very dIffIcult moment wIth ou. ~ I. ,. , thIs very dIffIcult moment wIth ou. ,. ,. , you. Thank you for allowIng us to speech you. Thank you for allowIng us to speech. Thank you. Thank you for allowIng us to speech. Thank you. You. Thank you for allowIng us to speech. Thank you. One you. Thank you for allowIng us l to speech. Thank you. One'>Story Amon to speech. Thank you. One'>Story Among many to speech. Thank you. One'>Story Among many across to speech. Thank you. One'>Story Among many across southern I among many across'>Southern Israel. 1200 people were kIlled In the'>Hamas Rampage on that day. 251 taken hostage. Hundreds released as part of a truce last'>November In exchange for 140 palestInIans held In IsraelI'>Sons. BenjamIn netanyahu InsIsted In hIs speech, one of hIs speech Is that Israel wIll contInue to fIght untIl hamas Is destroyed In gaza and untIl the attacks from other neIghbourIng countrIes are ended. Here we are at the one'>Year AnnIversary and thIs war goes on. We wIll contInue our specIal coverage from across'>Southern Israel and across the regIon, but for now I wIll hand you back to the studIo. Thank you very much Indeed. WIth exactly one month to go untIl the us presIdent Ial electIon,'>Donald Trump has returned to the'>PennsylvanIa Showground where he survIved an assassInatIon attempt. SpeakIng from behInd bulletproof glass, the republIcan began hIs speech wIth a joke. Our correspondent wIll grant has the detaIls. As I was sayIng cheerIng In the same spot where he was almost kIlled three months ago,'>Donald Trump took to the stage In bullIsh and defIant mood. He ImmedIately referenced hIs attempted assassInatIon. TIme stopped as thIs vIcIous monster unleashed pure evIl from hIs snIper� s perch, not so far away. But by the hand of provIdence and the grace of god, that vIllaIn dId not succeed. MemorIes of that day remaIn fresh In butler. FIrIng from just 150 metres away came close to kIllIng the former presIdent , grazIng hIs ear. As he was taken bloodIed from the stage, he urged the crowd to fIght. One man was kIlled that day, former'>FIre ChIef Corey competore. Bell tolls hIs'>Helmet And UnIform are on dIsplay and hIs'>GrIevIng FamIly In attendance for a'>MInutes SIlence In hIs honour. ThIs tIme, amId much tIghter securIty from behInd bullet proof glass,'>Mr Trump repeated hIs calls for hIs supporters to secure hIs vIctory In pennsylvanIa In'>November. And he called hIs most hIgh profIle backer, tech'>BIllIonaIre Elon Musk, who endorsed hIm soon after the shootIng, onto the stage In butler. Take over, elon In the ImmedIate aftermath of the assassInatIon attempt,'>Donald Trump receIved a notable bump In the polls. By returnIng to butler, he hopes to project an Image of fearlessness and bolster hIs support, wIth less than a month to go untIl votIng day. Butler Is staunchly pro'>Trump Country and Is now synonymous wIth the presIdent Ial shootIng. Some supporters see the hand of hIstory, even dIvIne InterventIon, In hIs brush wIth death. Ijust felt oblIgated to come. I felt lIke It was a hIstorIc moment. KInd of lIke an'>Abraham LIncoln Type sItuatIon. In my opInIon, god has| saved hIs lIfe twIce now and wIth god on hIs sIde, nobody can beat hIm. ThIs race remaIns on a knIfe edge, wIth'>Kamala HarrIs also workIng the swIng states hard wIth just weeks to go. The people of butler know theIr town could stIll Influence thIs electIon by the'>Ballot Box rather than the gun. Now Its tIme for a look at todays sport. Hello to you. Four of the top ten'>PremIer League teams play on sunday. But none of them are manchester unIted. They head to'>Aston VIlla 14th In the table after a start to the'>Son that has put erIk ten hag under more pressure, one that has led hIs'>Defender Harry MaguIre to say the team has to stIck together as everyone pIles on theIr boss. HavIng only sIgned a'>Contract ExtensIon In the summer, ten hag has led hIs team to just three wIns In theIr fIrst ten games of the'>Son and needed'>MaguIres Injury tIme goal to rescue a draw In the'>Europa League In theIr last match. And they now travel to play a team who beat bayern munIch In theIrs. When one, two, three players are swItchIng off, then Its a problem. And that Is what we have to solve. And we just started the'>Son, so we have tIme to solve thIs Issue. But It has to go quIckly. We cant waIt so long. Players have to take theIr responsIbIlIty In such defendIng moments. Three games In all. Fourth placed chelsea take on nottIngham forest, and It could be an entertaInIng affaIr at the amex wIth brIghton hostIng spurs. Real madrId have confIrmed theIr defender'>DanI Carvajal wIll mIss several months after sufferIng a serIous'>Knee Injury durIng theIr la'>LIga WIn over vIllarreal on saturday. The spanIsh InternatIonal tangled wIth'>Yeremy PIno In stoppage tIme before beIng carrIed off wIth what tests have shown are two ruptured lIgaments In hIs rIght knee. Ahead of hIs surgery, carvajal promIsed to come back lIke � an anImal. TranslatIon a player lIke'>DanI Carvajal Is key, always there and always motIvated. When a player lIke that, It affects the whole team. Last'>Son we had a sImIlar sItuatIon and we need to do the same thIs'>Son. Hopefully these InjurIes wIll be a spark for the players, just lIke It was last'>Son. DefendIng'>ChampIon Francesco BagnaIa has ramped up the'>Pressure Onjorge MartIn at the top of the motogp standIngs after wInnIng the japanese grand prIx. BagnaIa, on hIs ducatI, overtook'>Pole SItter Pedro acosta on the'>OpenIng Lap and maIntaIned that lead throughout the race. WIth'>MartIn FInIshIng In second'>Place And Marc marquez thIrd. MartIns overall lead Is down to ten poInts wIth four races of the'>Son remaInIng. I want to keep the champIonshIp, so I have to do It. I have to try and recover poInts every tIme but wIthout takIng a rIsk. It Is not easy, but thIs weekend started well and we have to take It lIke an example for the next ones and try to follow what we dId thIs weekend, workIng a perfect way and try to always do the best. The fIrst of the nfl� s games In london thIs'>Son takes place later as the new yorkjets meet the unbeaten mInnesota vIkIngs at the Tottenham Hotspur stadIum. Thejets, who have two wIns and two defeats from theIrfour games, have aspIratIons to make the super'>Bowl And Quarterback'>Aaron Rodgers says hes desperate to get a wIn In london after losIng on hIs prevIous trIp wIth the Green Bay Packers two years ago. I defInItely want to wIn In london for sure. We kInd of hIt a wall In the second half, we were up 20 10 at the half, and'>We Lost 27 20. Sojust understandIng how It Is a change. We are on a dIfferent tIme clock. No excuses, we have to go out and play 60 mInutes. We played 30 great mInutes two years ago, and that started a lIttle downturn for the'>G G that year. Just before we go, tIme to poInt you In the dIrectIon of the fIrst game of the day at the'>Womens T20 World cup. A meetIng of two of crIckets great rIvals. IndIa are playIng pakIstan In dubaI. They only do that In global Icc tournaments, so Its a rare thIng. PakIstan won the toss. They rallIed sInce, fIfth over, 211. RallIed sInce, fIfth over, 21 1. You can follow that on the'>Bbc WebsIte and the applIcatIon. Back to you. An'>M Pox VaccInatIon campaIgn targetIng hIgh rIsk groups Is under way In goma In the east of the democratIc republIc of congo. The'>Health MInIstry In kInshasa says Its an attempt to curb the spread of the vIrus, whIch has kIlled close to 1,000 people thIs year. More than 200,000 doses of the'>M Pox VaccIne have been donated by the eu and us. 75 people on board a new'>Zealand Navy Vessel whIch sank off the coast of Samoa Have escaped safely. The manawanuI, ran aground near the southern coast of upolu on saturday, and was seen lIstIng heavIly and emIttIng large plumes of smoke. All crew and passengers were evacuated vIa lIfeboats. AuthorItIes are now workIng to salvage the vessel and establIsh what happened. At thIs stage, the exact cause of the groundIng Is unknown. ThIs wIll need further InvestIgatIon. Its really sad, but, but, everyone came through and that, I have to say, Is down to the professIonalIsm, the traInIng and theIr own courage. Before we go, lets take you to farago where we can see a large demonstratIon, a pro palestInIan demonstratIon, one of several'>Around The World markIng the annIversary of the war In gaza. That Is a pro palestInIan demonstratIon there In morocco. Lets look at there In morocco. Lets look at the lIve shut now from lebanon. BeIrut has been under fIre agaIn thIs mornIng. AIr strIkes on saturday kIlled 23 people accordIng to the'>Health MInIstry there and I have been more strIkes thIs mornIng. Also to note that there are several areas, 25 areas In'>Southern Lebanon that have been sent evacuatIon orders, that Is accordIng to the arabIc'>Son'>Language'>Son for the IsraelI mIlItary. Stay wIth us here on'>Bbc News. Hello. WhIlst yesterday brought us some sunshIne and temperatures as hIgh as 18 degrees for a few spots, today Is lookIng a lIttle bIt cloudIer for the rest of today. Weve got quIte a bIt of cloud and some showery raIn. There wIll be some blue skIes, some brIghter spells just breakIng through that cloud at tImes, especIally towards the east. Further west, Its low pressure thats domInatIng our weather. So thats movIng In from the atlantIc. And Its pushIng these couple of Weather Fronts slowly northwards and eastwards. So quIte a lot of cloud for most areas. For the rest of the day, I thInk the heavIest of the raIn wIll be for the'>South West of england, wales, perhaps northern Ireland Into the mIdlands. There could be some heavy bursts too, some brIghter spells for the'>North East of scotland, perhaps Eastern England as well, and temperatures rangIng between about 13 to 17 degrees. Some of these showers Into the evenIng hours could brIng the Odd Rumble of thunder, then The Cloud and showery raIn pushes northwards and eastwards overnIght. TonIght, clearerskIes movIng In from the south but stIll some heavy showers. Perhaps the Odd Rumble of thunder as well. Not goIng to be a partIcularly cold nIght wIth temperatures holdIng up between eIght to 12 degrees. Frost free certaInly to start the new workIng week, but monday stIll quIte an unsettled sort of day. Weve got a band of cloud sIttIng across parts of scotland wIth outbreaks of raIn further south, sunny spells developIng but some heavy showers agaIn, potentIally some thunderstorms pushIng In from the'>South West later In the day. But brIghter skIes and weve got out there today and hIghs around 13 to perhaps 19, even 20 degrees. StIll quIte mIld In the south east. Tuesday, another unsettled sort of day. So agaIn, weve got some outbreaks of raIn across northern parts of the uk. SunshIne and showers towards the south, some of them on the heavy sIde and temperatures stIll mIld for the tIme of year, around 18, possIbly 19, In the south, but startIng to turn a lIttle bIt colder across parts of scotland. Now Into the mIddle of the week, lets take a look at thIs system. ThIs Is goIng to be the remnants of'>Ex HurrIcane KIrk movIng In, probably pushIng down towards france where well see some really wet and wIndy weather. Could be a bIt further north though, so keep an eye on the forecast. I thInk for us were lookIng at another showery sort of day on wednesday. QuIte breezy at tImes and the colder aIr startIng to push In, so only around ten degrees for lerwIck and stornoway, for Instance, but stIll 15 or 16 for Southern England In those sunny spells. But that colder aIr wIll contInue Its progress further south durIng the latter part of next week. So you can see the blue colours returnIng here, pushIng away that mIld aIr. So the next few days certaInly lookIng unsettled. Showery raIn for many of us. QuIte breezy at tImes and then the temperatures tend to slIp away as'>We Look towards the end of thIs comIng week. Bye for now. ThIs Is'>Bbc News. The headlInes. BeIrut locals are surveyIng the damage of an Intense wave of strIkes Israel launched agaInst the lebanese capItal overnIght. Israel has Issued a new call for resIdents to evacuate the area, as It contInues to target Infrastructure lInked to hezbollah. The hamas run'>Health MInIstry says at least 24 people were kIlled and 93 others wounded when IsraelI'>AIr StrIkes hIt a mosque and a school shelterIng dIsplaced people In the'>Gaza StrIp early on sunday. The Idf says that over 30 rockets have been fIred overnIght Into Israels northernmost cIty. The'>Iron Dome Defence system has blocked some, whIle others have landed. And antI war protests are under way as October The 7th approaches. Mass gatherIngs are takIng place In capItal cItIes callIng for an end to vIolence. Un secretary general antonIo guterres has called for the ImmedIate and uncondItIonal

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