Document and whether both agencies promptly comply with state and federal investigators on request, particularly given the laxity of rules regarding membership adopted by trade unions over the past decade. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. No other speakers. Public comment is now closed. Chair . Supervisor walton any more comments from colleagues . Supervisor fewer i think we learned a lot today. I want to thank colleagues for holding this hearing. I think public speakers bring up good points about the overhanging of wires and i look forward to calling for an additional hearing about the study, but actually i think there are still some open issues about what is on those poles. And now i am being alerted that the pole heights have been extended, which is something i didnt know about. So, chair, im respectfully asking to make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. The motion has been heard. Let me check in. I want to briefly say i appreciate all the folks that came
Like to try to figure outweighs to work with out ways to work with people to get things done. I hope that time goes on, you can see that you can have all sorts of different leaders whether at the top of City Government or leading organizations or leading teams, that there are really different kinds of leadership styles that we should really foster because it makes us stronger as organizations. Take advantage of all the wonderful information that you have here, at the vendor booth, at our seminars and also the oneonone counseling. I wouldnt be where i was if i didnt have very strong people who believed in me. And even at times when i didnt believe in my own abilities or my own skills, i had a lot of people who trusted and believed i either had the passion or skills to accomplish and do what i did. If there was one thing that i can tell young women, girls, who are thinking about and dreaming about the things they want to be, whether its being a doctor or being in politics, running an org
The El Paso Council for International Visitors has named new board members. They are Cathi Banda, Richard Doyle, Walli Haley and Chris Harris. EPCIV was founded in 1961 and is