Document and whether both agencies promptly comply with state and federal investigators on request, particularly given the laxity of rules regarding membership adopted by trade unions over the past decade. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. No other speakers. Public comment is now closed. Chair . Supervisor walton any more comments from colleagues . Supervisor fewer i think we learned a lot today. I want to thank colleagues for holding this hearing. I think public speakers bring up good points about the overhanging of wires and i look forward to calling for an additional hearing about the study, but actually i think there are still some open issues about what is on those poles. And now i am being alerted that the pole heights have been extended, which is something i didnt know about. So, chair, im respectfully asking to make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair. The motion has been heard. Let me check in. I want to briefly say i appreciate all the folks that came out today. I know that theres a lot of people that have been pushing this conversation. Its interesting when you leave San Francisco and you look at other areas all around its not as i want to use the word polluted the wires everywhere in our city. The argument about not being able to do it, transmission lines, these are factual in some ways, but in other ways you can argue theyre not. If you go around the bay area you dont see the same level of congestion and wires and other localities. The other frustration i have for our part of town is we essentially have no undergrounding. So same in the richmond. So theres just not much as all or any in our part of town. Then when you do, people will get messages or get a letter from a utility saying if youd like to do this, you can pay 30,000 or 15,000 to have this done on your street. Each individual household our part of town are working families, they dont have that money. I know in the past 170 million was spent to do this. It was through a grant process. The communities organized were able to get it done, but it was not in the southern parts of the city or the southwestern part of the city. So we want to do this. I think its important. I think that scientific studies have shown that Energy Efficiency is increased when you put it underground. Safety is increased when you put it underground. Overall, quality of life is enjoyed when its put underground. So i think theres some good points made today. I think we should further in conversation and bring folks back, but i want to voice that today supervisor fewer i think its exploring our jurisdiction of the lines, not so much the poles, but the lines also. Supervisor walton i think its interesting that cpuc hasnt conducted a study of whether or not underground is safer. But yet we have new developments that are required to use underground utilities. Its interesting and we will have further conversations of course to understand how that could be the case in this point. To your point, supervisor, i want to thank you and supervisor stefani for calling this hearing today. This is happening in other cities. Its definitely happening on new developments right here in San Francisco. So were going to continue to work hard to make this a reality, and you have a commitment from us to do that, which is why were here having this hearing today. With that said, theres been a motion to continue this to the call of the chair. I dont think we have any objecti objection. Without seeing any objection, well move this item to continue to the call of the chair and we seal take this with no objection. With that said, clerk, is there anything else that we have . Clerk theres no further business. Supervisor walton seeing as theres no further business, this hearing and this meeting is adjourned. [adjournment] chair peskin good afternoon and welcome to the land use and Transportation Committee meeting july 22, 2019. I am the chair, aaron peskin, joined to my right by supervisor ahsha safai, and to my left by supervisor raphael mandelman. Our clerk is miss erica major. Miss clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. Please silence all cell phones and electronic devices. Chair peskin thank you, miss major. Could you read the first item. [agenda item read]. Chair peskin thank you. Mr. Winslow on behalf of the department of city planning. Thank you. David winslow from the office of the staff Planning Department, and im happy to be here today. Chair peskin good to see you after all these years. It hasnt been that many years, but we are here for the polk pacific special area guidelines. The guidelines arent themselves entirely new. They were derived from the existing urban Design Guidelines in the commerce and industry element of the general plan, but they have been reorganized by topic and edited for brevity, clarity, and usability, and a few additional elements were added and a special condition. Thank you, supervisor peskin, for your support, and supporting legislation of the planning code amendment. This concludes my introductory remarks and im happy to answer any questions. Chair peskin thank you to you and to you for creating the neighborhood commercial benefit district. It is an example between wh what of what collaborating between the neighborhood and City Department should be. I want to give a shout out to robin tucker and the pacific Area Neighborhood Association who have trained themselves in the nuances of design and zoning, and versus its a real unique corridor. When we created the c. B. D. , i came to understand that the Main Commercial corridor over the hill was the pacific avenue corridor, which is why you have this very interesting residential and commercial corridor that includes lumber yards and buildings of various sizes and typologies. So i think ordinances were exactly the right thing to do with this area. With that, are there any members of the public who would like to speak to item number one, please come forward. Just who i invoked, miss robin tucker. Thank you for coming, and thank you for your work. Its my pleasure. I want to thank the members of the team, the Planning Department, dave winslow in particular and his team members. And my own team, lower polk neighbors, midpolk neighbors, and russian Hill Community association. We all collaborated on this, but it is to be celebrated what team work, and so much was accomplished because of it. It was over 2. 5 years in the making, and i couldnt be more proud, i couldnt be more proud to have supervisor peskin leading this on our behalf, so thank you all, and thank you, members of all of our community associations, and i hope that we get your vote today. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you, miss tucker, are there any other members of the public who would like to speak on this item . Please come forward on discover polk. [inaudible] for this unique community. We look forward to, you know, seeing them implemented, and we believe that this will be a beneficial thing for the polk street, and pacific avenue commercial corridors. Chair peskin thank you so much, and thank you for your work for middle polk. Next speaker, please. Commissioner kathrin moore, for your support. Thank you. I am here as a personal citizen. I think this particular set of guidelines is a great set of urban Design Guidelines, and i think we took a step forward which many other neighborhoods will do and emulate, as well. It will make the neighborhoods stronger and give leverage to those neighborhoods which will be strong and good. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you, commissioner moore. Are there any other Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. [gavel]. Chair peskin and colleagues, i do want to say that it is the 38page document that mr. Winslow provided over that i direct you to, and it is really a lovely document. Not only the beautiful photographs, but just the way it speaks to the context of that neighborhood and what is appropriate development, site design, you name it. So for anybody who is watching, if you have Nothing Better to do, go to sfgov. Org and read that 38page document. Colleagues, if there are no questions, and i see no names on the roster, i will make a motion to forward this to the full board with a positive recommendation and hopefully it will be passed on the First Reading and 30 days later or there abouts will come law. Thank you, one and all. Madam clerk, that will be the order. Madam clerk, next item, please. [agenda item read]. Clerk chesk, as a matter of communication, wed like to note on march 19, 2019, the Planning Department indicated a transmittal indicating the Planning Department failed to pass the resolution, however, the Commission Secretary failed to report the seweactual vote h would have indicated the type of disapproval and the lower vote for tomorrow. Chair peskin just to be clear, pursuant to the city and county of San Francisco, this is respectfully but a recommendation. The matter is totally within the hands of the government, and we can vote how we prefer. With that, i will defer to my colleague and primary sponsor, supervisor safai. Supervisor safai okay. I dont know if mr. Givner wanted to mr. Givner deputy City Attorney jon givner. The boards agenda for tomorrow indicates that theres an eightvote threshold. Thats incorrect. The Planning Commission did not find the ordinance is inconsistent with the general plan, so you said supervisor peskin, when this goes to the board of supervisors it will only require six votes to pass. Chair peskin thank you for that clarification. Supervisor safai . Supervisor safai thank you for that clarification. There was a lot of misinformation out that. I would just ask that we take this later. We are finalizing the amendments and we will return to this shortly. Chair peskin okay. We will continue this item, and we will move on to item number three. I dont know if supervisor ronen or her staff is here, but we will call item three. [agenda item read]. Chair peskin all right. Is there anyone here from supervisor ronens office that would like to make opening comments . Seeing none, do we have somebody from planning, audrey merlon . Thats all right. Its a new last name. Chair peskin i was just going to say, it was like a week ago. It was. Chair peskin thank you. Miss donovan is here from the office of Small Business to speak on their behalf. Chair peskin miss donovan, would you like to speak on the behalf of the Small Business. Yes. Dominica donovan with the office of Small Business. The Small Business commission heard this item on june 10 and is supportive with the lemgs lation. It will undoubtedly prevent the clover you are or displacement of approximately 200 owned small enterprises. Many of these businesses are child and Mental Health providers, educational services, chiropractic services, and nonprofits of various missions. Many of the Business Owners also identified themselves to be disabled and noticed that this has unabled them to successfully operate their businesses. While the Small Business commission recognized that they would like these pieces of legislation to be revisited, they realize this is a smart piece of legislation for the challenges the businesses are currently facing. The recommendation also diverged from the Planning Commissions recommendations that businesses who are considered to be office uses should also be able to participate in the legitimatization process. Were appreciative of your consideration and were here for questions. Chair peskin thank you, miss donovan. Thank you, supervisor ronen, and thank you for dealing with this rather bizarre sticky wicket, and the floor is yours. Supervisor ronen thank you, supervisor peskin. Today, this legislation will provide am nesnesty to 150 sma businesses that were facing he vacation. I want to thank carolina morales in my office who spent hundreds and hundreds and thousands of hours trying to fix this. In january, dozens of Small Business active space which is at 3150 18 street learned that they were facing fines based on 15 zoning regulations. These are very small Owner Occupied enterprises and most of them are personal services. I want extremely concerned for the Small Business owners, so i held two Community Meetings with the tenants, quickly introduced the amnesty legislation and my office connected with a large portion of the tenants to follow up. Closing 100 businesses or more on the same block would be an economic crisis for the mission, a neighborhood that has already suffered tremendously from the displacement of hundreds of businesses and thousands of residents due to gentrification. The ordinance before us today will provide them amnesty under the code. It will consider them to be legal nonconforming businesses and allow them to remain in the building as long as they file the appropriate legislation. Im also actively to protect Light Manufacturing spaces. Light manufacturing provide working class san franciscans with working class jobs. The mission is one of the few places where p. D. R. Zones existed, and we must protect these spaces. Prior to active space building, there was a long history of this property of arts and manufacturing uses, so the Planning Commission imposed restrictions when it approved active space in 2004. The owner of the active space signed a notice of special restriction in october 2004, where he committed to make p. D. R. Use of the building, including a prediction of both office and residential purposes at the building. It the City Attorney is pursuing a separate enforcement process with the owner, but i wanted to provide you today with the full context of the situation we are solving for. Once again, it is both my priority to protect the Small Businesses and p. D. R. Zoning and spaces in the mission. Therefore, im offering legislation that will provide a balanced approach. The lemgs lation will provide an amnesty for Current Office use to stay in the building for the next ten years. It will require all of the tenants to prior pursuing all of their necessary permits and require the office of Small Business in obtaining their permits with the necessary office. I want to thank you for being here today and speaking before this committee and for fighting to stay in San Francisco. Small businesses like yours are the cornerstone of our local economy, and we need to continue supporting you to stay in the city while thriving, not just surviving. I also want to thank the City Departments and staff that have been working closely with my office for the past six months, including director regina dickendrizzi, the department of building strong as well as the department of Public Health with particular thanks to Stephanie Cushing and jen cu cullworth. Thank you. Chair peskin okay. And supervisor ronen, thank you for that and for your work and your staffs work, and the City Attorney and Planning Department and Small Business and department of Public Health. And as to the amendments that have been handed out to us, those all seem to pertain to what you just spoke to, which is the office of Small Business assists under the program as well as the acceptance of the three years suggested by the Planning Commission. All right. Why dont we open this up to Public Comment . I imagine theres going to be a lot of folks here. Weve got a huge crowded agenda here before the summer recess, so two minutes and if youll lineup to my left, your right, first speaker, please. Hi. My name is nicolle. I am one of the three owners of a business called pottery in common. Small commercial businesses are a vulnerable population that do feel the effects of gentrification and unfortunately businesses at our scale are unable to occupy commercial storefront simply because we cant afford it, nor do we need the large storefront that is available. There is a need to protect small but stable nonp. D. R. Businesses, and without your advocacy, Small Businesses will be displaced, and the Cultural Landscape of our city will be forever changed. Yes, protecting p. D. R. Districts is necessary, but i want to ask you at what expense. I calculated percentages off the charts 19. 0165 from the office of Small Businesses. I have a dear friend who is a family massage therapist. She was shown 15 vacant spaces at active space two weeks ago. She was also told that there was a growing wait list for nonp. D. R. Services that were wanting to conduct business at active space, so currently we have a wait list for nonp. D. R. Businesses, but a 5 vacancy in the building itself. So i urge the supervisors to start to research the percentage of occupancy for p. D. R. Businesses in p. D. R. Zoned districts. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Good morning. My name is lee peckley. Ive been in active space since 2012. When i came, i was not made aware of the zoning. Im a Small Business owner. I thought i did everything right. I went to the Small Business association, took four classes, and this one just wasnt apparent to me. I have grown my business and active space. I have been looking for new space outside the building just for desire since 2016, and i havent been able to find anything comparable. Like my neighbor said, the amount of space out there is just too huge in size and rent to be usable for Small Businesses. I just want to thank you, hillary, for stepping in at a time when there was a lot of fear for us and we didnt know what was going to happen. And it blindsided us to find this information out and to feel like we didnt have anymore resources. And to carolina for the hundreds of hours she spent on this legislation, and for domenica for being so responsive, and to regina, too. Im asking because we dont have other alternatives. We dont have other places to go. Im still looking, by the way. I am will continue to look, but please. I do think filling this building up 100 with p. D. R. Might have been feasible, but in 2019 San Francisco, its not. So having some floors nonp. D. R. Would be good to split it out just to talk about a future plan. Thank you very much. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is ava schmidt. I am a therapeutic and care active worker in active space. I loved in last summer because the moved in last summer because the place i was in was active space. Im lucky i moved in when i did. I would like to stay where i am for a while. I want my clear womanowned business in the bay area to thrive, not just survive. I do my business on a sliding scale and often free session. This business allows me to treat people in a way i was never able to do before. As many other people will mention, its affordable, its tiny. Keep in mind when this legislation passes, many of us have to put out 3,000 in permits just to allow us to stay, so please at least give us ten years to make it worth it. It was advertised to us. How are we to know that it wasnt zoned for us . This building may be p. D. R. , but cities change in a decade, and clearly theres a need for something different. We are here to prove that. We are grateful for the lemgs lation that will protect some of us, but the Bigger Picture is changing the zoning so that all the tenants can stay and others like us who need that type of space have access to it. Too many buildings in s. F. Sit empty. Thank you for your time and consideration of keeping this small group of Diverse Businesses alive in San Francisco that serve the people of San Francisco. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. [applause] chair peskin and folks, if you want to express yourself, there you go. Next speaker, please. Hi. My name is molly rose, and im also a pilates teacher in the building. I live near the space, and ive seen the area change in the building. As the area changes, we need to change with it. Ill keep it short today. Thank you for your time. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Were front loading with pilates instructors today. Thank you for supporting this work by Hillary Ronen and carolina morales. Thank you, you guys, for standing with us. I dont have a whole lot other to contribute than what everyone has already said and what this amazing line of amazing entrepreneurs will say other than we really want to desperately stay in this space. And as of the others said. Ten is awesome, but longer would be more awesome. We love being able to share these spaces with our p. D. R. Friends. I thank you so much for your support and for all of your tireless work to this point. Its been quite the experience getting to talk before all of you commissions in the past several months, and we look forward to solving this. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you. Hi. I have stage fright. Im sharon archuleta. Im a tattoo artist. Ive been there since 1998, and ive been a tattoo artist since 1994. Ive worked at lots of shops, and active space allows me to have a safe quiet place for people who dont like going into a loud, scary street shop. I have a lot of customers who are Breast Cancer survivors, and its nice for them to have a safe place to come from. As for the 15 empty units, i think its a lot more than that. Theres five floors, and the second floor has ten empty units, so i cant imagine how many are above. Any ways, thank you, thank you so much. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is elizabeth chur, and i am a freelance writer whos been there since 2008. I write grants for San Francisco general and ucsf. I only work for nonprofits. I am grateful, also, that the legislation would allow office uses to stay for three years. However, its my understanding that people like me would need to go through mandatory discretionary review, which im told would cost a minimum of 4500, and the Actual Service for the Case Management services is 14,000, which is cost prohibitive for someone like myself. Even if we were allowed to stay for the three years, thats an incredible expense for a sole proprietor. I have been looking for other property in the city. The few units on the market, the same eight units are about twice as large and twice as expensive. Ive lived where i work, and coworking spaces are great for startups, but i need a quiet office where i can write without distractions. I would like to ask you to consider waiving the mandatory permitting process or waving the fee for those who provide Important Services and maintaining a diverse economy in San Francisco. Thank you very much. Chesk chechk tha chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is gene palmer, and thank you for your time. Im a hair dresser, and ive been doing hair for 30 years, including my time as a barber in the navy, during the gulf war. I am eternally grateful for this opportunity to have my own business. I serve people of all communities. A majority of my clients are elderly or students and theyre also members of the Service Providing communities, most of whom are on fixed incomes. It is because im in an active space that im able to keep my rates reasonably low, even by San Francisco standards, and if i were substantially force does out, it would have an impact on people who rely on my Services Based on cost. Please allow us to stay in these units for as long as possible. Thank you for your time today. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is ramona birchler. I am an aesthetician, and ive had my space since 2008. When i rented that space in 2008, i was told by active space that this was commercial and mixed use, and there would even be a cafe, so there was no reason for me to believe that i was renting a space that wasnt zoned for me. This zoning issue with active space has created a lot of stress and uncertainty for most if not all of the tenants there. In the past six months, i also have been searching actively for alternative space but everything is a lot larger and comparatively a lot more expensive, even though what i have is about 300 square feet for 1,850, which i dont think is inexpensive. I would like to kindly ask that you support this initiative and consider the ramifications for all of these Small Businesses in San Francisco. Most of us would be forced to close up shop as Small Business owners, and active space would not be renting to Light Industrial. As everyone has stated before, theres a very small percentage of Light Industrial at this point, and theres many vacancies. In the years that ive been there, ive seen a revolving door of tenants come and go, most of which have not been Light Industrial. So and i also wanted to say that as of now, i know that theres a certain amount of Square Footage that is chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is helen hickman. 20 years ago when i found a space at active space, i was proud that i had the opportunity to establish a solo office with Reasonable Rent and not have to work twice as hard to make twice as less. Ive been practicing 25 years. My objective is to get people out of pain and get their lives back. My clients come to the professional world to athletes moms and even in the nonprofit work. Active space works for my client. Its safe, handicapped accessible, and easy to get to on public transportation, and about a third of my clients come from the east bay. Our clients not only support myself but other practitioners in the building, and not it not only do we do that, but it also supports Small Businesses in the neighborhood, as well. As therapists, were able to consult with one another, and were able to have a onestop shop over there. For myself, its great to have a shop in a place like that, and we are happy to be a part of the colorful and growing Mission District. For my professional, to have my office taken away, its going to be a burden on my clients with a huge rent increase. And as a woman and a Small Business owner in San Francisco, i feel that i am an ambassador to not only the mission but to San Francisco, so i urge you to please consider this amnesty so we can keep our Small Business community thriving. Chair peskin thank you very much. Next speaker. My name is tanya behovsky. Im a hair dresser and have been at active space since 2008. When i was first there, it was a different neighborhood. Now, we have child care, we have two on our block, we have groceries, we have doggie daycare. These people are in the neighborhood with the cafes, seeking out these services. I dont understand why the owner isnt being held responsible for this. I did what i was supposed to do. This would be a loss to lose this. I wish that we ten years is fine, but im not really dont understand, but i just want to say thank you for li listening to our voices, and i hope you consider the change, and it would be a loss. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. [please stand by]. I had to move out of San Francisco in 2012 when my apartment in the mission burned down, and i couldnt afford to find housing in San Francisco. However, i have kept my office in the city because i love providing to this clientele and because there is a huge need. I literally have to turn families away every week and have no other available child therapist in the city to send them to. If i had to leave active space, myself and my two interns, would probably have to close doors because no other location provides a quiet space and to find that in an affordable way is nearly impossible. I reached out to my community to get some information. The communities that these businesses here serve, as youve heard with primary lgbtq and gender nonconforming, hair on salons, people with auto immune disorders, medical recipients, etc. , etc. These businesses in active space are the heart and soul of what it means to be a san franciscan. We are not big businesses. Thank you. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is david lloyd. I differ today from many of tod todays speakers is that im an office tenant. The decision to move my business into San Francisco in 2017 was the space was advertised as a performing arts space. My office space is on the fourth floor. Its 10 by 10 feet, a small sink with only cold water. The room is often hot, and the space has no windair condition and no ventilation other than the window. Currently there are eight to ten spaces open on my floor. I question the wisdom of displacing so many existing Small Businesses with the assumption that these spaces will be filled with p. D. R. Uses. Currently, no p. D. R. Tenants are flocking to the already available spaces. Id invite the council to visit the location and view the structures slu structur structures exclusively for p. D. R. Use and witness the damage youll be doing to one set of businesses in an attempt to help another. Thank you. I was also treated as an independent contractor. An attempt to net more from the service i provide, ive chosen to go into business for myself. I was fortunate to have discovered the active Space Community in june 2016. It provided me with an affordable, safe, and centrally located space to try my hand at running my own business. Ive had a very positive experience and i hope to continue to build my business here in San Francisco. I was not aware of my lease restrictions in San Francisco and also clearly stated my intended use. I was disappointed to learn that i would not be permitted to continue to operate at active space because of the permitting restrictions. If im not permitted to stay i would be losing my livelihood along with any intent to run a business. If we are forced out of active space, we will leave a hole in the local community we serve and economic contributions we make daytoday with neighboring businesses. Chair peskin thank you, sir. Next speaker, please. Hello. My name is shawnna astriken. I run two businesses out of active space. A p. D. R. Business and a nonp. D. R. Business. I also monitor and run a provide Facebook Page for the tenants of the building and see all the concerns that have been surrounding this. Ive been a resident of San Francisco and a Business Owner of San Francisco specifically in the mission for over 20 years, and i am very aware of the limited options that we have as Small Business owners. And i just want to ask that you vote in our favor and continue to support. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is Maureen Mcewen and im a Small Business owner in active space. I want to show you guys one of the tools i use. This is called a speech buddy. It can help a child learn how to say the r sound. It was invented at m. I. T. It is a product of a business at active space. We support each other and our clients, so please let us stay. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is laura clemmens, native san franciscans, and Business Owner at active space. And i just want to thank supervisor ronens office for your Swift Support of us in this really bizarre situation that we found ourselves in. I just want to echo all the speakers before me at what a diversion community, what a thriving diverse community, thriving community, active space has been and how devastating it would be not only to our building but to all the other businesses around there would be. I just want to state to highlight, as chair peskin said, the sticky wicket that were in, that dealing with authorization and permits can be very complicated and confusing, especially when youre a business of one, and so you dont have a lot of time to devote to going to six different offices and waiting in lines and etc. And etc. I was actually permitted by the department of health in 2017 after 1. 5 years of other long story of weird things happening. But i interacted with everyone that i needed to, from the tax asse assessor to the sfpd. With everyone that i interacted with, no one checked that i had my zoning paperwork signed. If i didnt know, i dont know how anyone else would know if someone didnt tell them. So i hope you can support our organization and we can all be awesome together. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Hi. My name is lisa hermann. Im an Expressive Arts therapist, and im licensed by the california board of behavioral science. Ive been in business for about a little over 40 years, and im a newish tenant in active space. I wasnt told there were any problems. I moved in a few months ago. My clientele are people from all walks of life, and im one of the few people, few psycho therapists in San Francisco that take insurance. Most of my colleagues have stopped. Insurance hardly pays anything, its too complicated. Everybodys insurance is something else, even if they have the same carrier. Its horrible. Any way, the only way i can stay in business im a sole provider is active space. And i found it on craigslist, went and found somebody elses office. Its charming. It has a sink in every room for washing your paint brushes. Unbelievable. Any way, i love myspace, i want myspace, and im too old to move. Thank you. Chair peskin next speaker. My name is kathrin rose. Ive been working in Mental Health in San Francisco for about 30 years in community Mental Health and then at ucsf and now in private practice in the active space. I chose that building because in part i live in the mission three blocks away, and i started looking for businesses in the mission area, and theres almost none for psycho therapists. That was true then, and its true now, so that would present a problem if i need to leave. I, too, was ushered in by the landlord without knowing there was a problem. Im a licensed practitioner in california. It said art, hobby, business. My clientele are ordinary people. I see teachers, muni drivers, people that work in nonprofit in the mission, seniors, people on permanent psychiatric disability. Most of my people work in the neighborhood or live in the neighborhood, so if i need to get another office across town, its going to disrupt my clients, so thank you for your consideration. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker, please. My name is sabrina huck. My Small Business is ritual by design. Im an artist here in San Francisco. I moved here about ten years ago. I love the art and expression of San Francisco, and the Mission District felt like such a cultural place, and active space works very well for me. As a minority female Business Owner, ive seen a lot of my friends who are in a similar situation move away from the city, but ive been very stubborn, and active space allows me to be able to provide the cultural art to my clients. A lot of henna artists within my industry are taking clients at their homes, and there are not many that have a space like mine, and yeah, i dont know if if i had to move, it would be difficult for me to stay in the city, so thanks for considering, and thank you. Chair peskin thank you. Next speaker. Hello. My name is evan kaminsky. Im a gay disabled Business Owner. Ive lived in San Francisco for 25 years, and i live in mr. Haneys district in a belowmarketrate apartment. Im an aesthetician, beauty provider. My rent is so low because ive been there so long. If i would have to leave, it would ruin my business. I would have to close up shop, which means i couldnt pay my rent my means leaving the city rent which means leaving the city. I appreciate trying to ram this through and the ten years amnesty, but i think ten years isnt enough. I think we should be grandfathered in because we put in the time. If you look up and down the street, all of these apartments and studios that were p. D. R. Are all used for offices. Were not the only one. The entire neighborhood has become offices, and the amount of spaces that people have said, there arent offices flocking to it. I dont know how you would manufacture a 1,000 square foot thing in a 100 square foot room. I hope we can stay until we want to leave, and then after, if you want to put p. D. R. In, great, but if we have to leave, it would did he haevastate mos. Chair peskin thank you. And this is the last

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