Local history 50 years ago: June 29, 1973 Twenty-four teachers from Appalachia Intermediate Unit gathered at Penn State Altoona to hold a two-week workshop
Jeremy Molina of the Central Blair Recreation Commission chalks the first base line for a Keystone Girls Softball League game at Garfield Park on Monday
Local history 50 years ago: 1973 The Mercy Mints of Mercy Hospital were sponsoring a Diamond S Rodeo at Legion Park in Hollidaysburg on July 4 as a fundrais
Local history 50 years ago: 1973 The Altoona Area High School and Keith and Roosevelt Junior High Schools were adopting new gym uniforms for girls because s
The smoky, all-day gray skies earlier this month were among the strangest skies I had seen in my life. As Canada’s eastern forests burned, the smoke covered n