Last Updated: Monday, May 10, 2021 17:12
Canada pushed for more Arctic research collaboration and for “meaningful and respectful partnerships between Arctic researchers and Indigenous peoples” at a two-day meeting of science ministers that concluded in Japan on Sunday.
The 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial held in Tokyo over the weekend brought together officials from several Arctic and non-Arctic countries and representatives from Arctic Indigenous peoples. It focused on using international scientific cooperation to act on urgent challenges facing the Arctic.
The theme of the biennial meeting co-hosted by Iceland and Japan was Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic.
The Canadian delegation led by Minister of Northern Affairs Daniel Vandal participated virtually. Jennifer C. Hubbard, president and CEO of Polar Knowledge Canada, Mona Nemer, the federal government’s chief science advisor, and Natan Obed, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), also took part in the meeting
Joint Statement to strengthen Arctic science cooperation signed
At the occasion of the third Arctic Science Ministerial Meeting (ASM3), the EU and 25 countries signed the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial Joint Statement. The meeting entitled “Knowledge for a Sustainable Arctic”, was co-organised by the governments of Japan and Iceland and took place in Tokyo and also virtually. In the Joint Statement, the signatories identify the most urgent actions to address through international cooperation:
implementing observing networks and data-sharing,
enhancing understanding and prediction capability for Arctic environmental and social systems, for the global impact of these changes,
operationalising sustainable development, evaluating vulnerability and resilience, and applying knowledge,
State Secretary Martina Hirayama emphasizes the importance of research at the 3rd Arctic Science Ministerial State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation Bern, 10.05.2021 - State Secretary Martina Hirayama virtually attended the third Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM3) on May 8-9, 2021. At ASM3, science ministers and representatives of Arctic indigenous peoples organizations came together to strengthen international cooperation in science and research to advance understanding of the Arctic region, and to support the role of science in policy and decision-making in the Arctic. In her speech, State Secretary Hirayama emphasized the importance of research in response to the challenges of climate change in the vulnerable Polar regions and the urgent need for international cooperation in this area.
India will continue to play positive role in deepening shared understanding of Arctic: Harsh Vardhan
Last Updated: May 08, 2021, 10:11 PM IST
During the meeting, the earth sciences ministry also shared its plans to contribute observing systems in the Arctic, both on-site and by remote sensing. It said India will deploy open ocean mooring in the Arctic for long-term monitoring of upper ocean variables and marine meteorological parameters.
India will continue to play a positive role in deepening shared understanding of the Arctic through observation, research, capacity building and international cooperation, Earth Sciences Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Saturday. Participating in the third Arctic Science Ministerial (ASM), he also proposed that India can be given the opportunity to host the next or a future ASM.