This should have complicated his work, but no, he continued to work and. Created such Wonderful Worlds and images of a labyrinth or a world as a library, well , its interesting that he worked from a small form, this is a man who did not write a single novel, although it was nominated many times for nobel prize, i understand it, because they also regularly ask me, natalya , why dont you write a rock opera, i say, you know, im not my topic, big form, big form, this is not my topic, that is, if i ill even take it for such a thing, ill express everything i want. To say within the first two issues there are arias and characters and then i will become bored, i will give it all up, because borhiss prose is so rich, each story contains some terribly fascinating plot, a detective story even, a charade a puzzle, they are terribly complex, these short stories of his, and here we must definitely remember the writer whom borhis loved extremely, this is, of course, edgar allanpaugh, well, yes, these