Minutes one of the deadliest disasters to ever hit the industry. Plus its been a female a mosque and a museum now istanbuls famous fires of fear because of the central political battle that could have implications for the worlds 2 largest face. As well come to the program tensions are rising over hong kong with china threatening reprisals if britain goes ahead and grants residency rights to 3000000 legible hong kong as china has faced a groundswell of criticism from many western nations over the decision to impose a sweeping new security law banning acts of subversion on called police half arrested hundreds of prodemocracy protesters rally against the new rule. Now critics fear the new security law will be used to crush any dissent against chinese rule among those critics is a claim on con artist casey warm who in the past has produced politically charged after an openly critical of beijing one warns that whats happening in the city is only a glimpse of what lies in store i feel like i