JVVNL Recruitment 2022 For 1512 Technical Helper Posts, Apply Online Before February 28 : Rashtra News #JVVNL #Recruitment #Technical #Helper #Posts #Apply #Online #February The Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL) has released an official notification for recruitment to the post of Technical Helper-III. The interested and willing candidates can apply online for the post
The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has released an official notification for recruitment to the posts of Lecturer and Foreman Instructor. The willing and interested candidates can apply online for the posts through the official website hpsc.gov.in from 13 December 2021 onwards till 06 January 2022.HPSC Recruitment 2021: Vacancy DetailsThere are a total of 437
The Border Roads Organisation (BRO), under the Ministry of Defence, has called for applications in a prescribed format from eligible Indian nationals (male only) for filling Three Fifty-Four (354) vacancies to post of Multi Skilled Worker - MSW (Painter/ Mess Waiter), Vehicle Mechanic and Driver Mechanical Transport posts in BRO under the General Reserve Engineer
The Railway Recruitment Cell, Northern Railway (RRC, NR) has released an official notification for recruitment to the post of Apprentices in various trades under Apprentice Act 1961. The willing and interested candidates can apply online for the RRC Northern Railway Apprentice Recruitment 2021 through the official website rrcnr.org. The candidates can start applying for the
The Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), a constituent of the Defence Research and Development Organisation, has announced a multitude of vacancies for aspiring individuals.