Actress Shravani Goswami, who will be seen playing the role of Sati s mother Prasuti in the show Baal Shiv , says it is a great opportunity as mythology is one of her favourite genres.
While Bangladesh marked 50 years of the Liberation War, Pakistan has come up with multidimensional propaganda aimed at hiding its notorious character and port
While Bangladesh marked 50 years of the Liberation War, Pakistan has come up with multidimensional propaganda aimed at hiding its notorious character and port
While Bangladesh marked 50 years of the Liberation War, Pakistan has come up with multidimensional propaganda aimed at hiding its notorious character and port
India opposes UNSC resolution that sought to securitize climate change Hiru News Most visited website in Sri Lanka,Sri Lanka Latest news updates from Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka News updates and discussions. Welcome to the No1 online news Site for Sri Lankans. A Rayynor Silva Holdings Company