Does Apex Legends require Nintendo Switch Online?
Apex Legends Switch version is finally here over two years after the game originally launched on other systems. This port is the same free-to-play shooter on those pieces of hardware, but some are wondering if Apex Legends requires Nintendo Online, the premium subscription needed to play online multiplayer on the Switch. Here’s whether or not Apex Legends needs a Nintendo Switch Online account in order for players to access online multiplayer.
Does Apex Legends need a Nintendo Online account?
The Apex Legends Switch version does not require a Nintendo Switch Online account. Anyone can download the game on the system and play it without needing to fork over the cash for a Nintendo Switch Online subscription. This can be seen on the game’s eShop page as it just says “Save Data Cloud” under the online section. Games that require a NSO account will also say “Online Play” there if they need a subscription. Apex Legends
Apex Legends Switch: How to Get the Pathfinder Skin
Along with other bonuses, the new Apex Switch Pathfinder skin is enough for me to play the port.
Each day we get closer and closer to the Switch port of
Apex Legends and I keep getting more excited. Despite the Switch’s hardware disadvantage when comparing it to the other consoles running the game, it’s cool to introduce
Apex to new players and be able to take it on the go. As an incentive to play the Switch port, developer Respawn Entertainment is offering a handful of Switch exclusive benefits. The
Apex Legends Most OP Character Is Getting Nerfed Soon
Apex Legends most over-powered character, or at least one of its more OP characters, is getting nerfed, and nerfed soon. How do we know? Because Respawn Entertainment has confirmed as much. In any character or hero-based competitive game, there are inevitably characters that are more viable and useful than others. In the current meta, most players would agree that Wraith and Caustic are the two most annoying characters to face off against. Unfortunately for those who main the latter, the big guy is getting nerfed.
Caustic has been a controversial character since Season 7. Before Season 7, Caustic was actually far from a meta-topping character, however, a string of buffs changed this, and while he s been tweaked since, it hasn t been enough according to some players.
Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Port News is coming
News Highlights: Apex Legends Nintendo Switch Port News is coming
The director of Apex Legends is teasing news that the game is ‘coming soon’ and some in the community believe it is an official release date.
According to the game’s director, Chad Grenier, news about Apex Legends is coming soon. In the wake of rumors about the release of the new Nintendo Switch port, some think this may finally be a confirmation of the Apex Legends Switch release date.
The Nintendo Switch version of the Battle Royale was originally set to launch last fall. Apex Legends’ Switch port was originally announced all the way back in June. However, after the initial announcement, EA and Respawn became relatively quiet. In October, when a Twitter follower asked Grenier if the project had been scrapped completely, assuring them the game was still underway. However, he said he could not say more about the situation. Later that month,