documents with classified markings than the diligent search did. donald trump said they were in one storage room and the fbi said it wasn t and they shared this picture of documents into trump s office. they say the trump team delayed at nearly every stage and at one point stop d.o.j. from personally inspecting boxes in the storage room. team trump said the former president declassified the document and the government says there s no proof he did and the actions of his lawyers show they still believed the documents were still classified. team trump said he asserted privilege. he never asserted it until now and he doesn t have it anyway. team trump says the records were his. the government says no, classified or declassified, they belong to the government. team trump said the government inappropriately swept up personal items like his passport. the fbi said no, they were allowed to pick up anything commingling. the governor has already filtered through all of it anyway and if