The authority levied Rs 1.2 crore sales tax (inclusive of interest) for 2012-13 on Rs 12.3 crore received by Sharma. For 2013-14, Rs 1.6 crore tax was levied on her for the Rs 17 crore she had received. The department justified its action and sought dismissal of the plea
Sharma claimed that the assessing officer had wrongly levied sales tax on the consideration she received for endorsements and anchoring at award functions.
Actor Anushka Sharma has approached the court against what she believes is an inflated tax notice. The actor has gone to the Bombay High Court challenging two orders passed by the deputy commissioner of Sales Tax on dues for 2012-13 and 2013-14.
Anushka Sharma challenged the orders of the Maharashtra State Tax Department at Bombay High Court hiking levies on the payments she has received for endorsements and hosting award functions.