On February 10, Kotak Mahindra Bank said that it will take over 100 per cent of equity shares of Sonata Finance Private Limited, a non-banking finance company, from existing shareholders for an all-cash consideration of around Rs 537 crore.The private lender said that it will take over 2.6 crore equity shares of Sonata, of face value Rs 10 each fully paid up.
Get latest articles and stories on Latest News at LatestLY. Kotak Mahindra Bank (KMB) on Friday announced that it has fully acquired microlender Sonata Finance for Rs 537 crore. Latest News | Kotak Mahindra Bank Acquires Microlender Sonata for Rs 537 Cr in All Cash Deal.
Heavy overnight rains in Uttar Pradesh Friday led to the deaths of at least 22 people, including nine labourers who were buried alive under the debris when an under-construction wall in the state capital collapsed on their huts.
The accident occurred on Tuesday afternoon between Sanawad and Dhangaon village on State Highway No 27 and at the time of the incident, about 50 to 60 passengers were on the bus.