Singh admits not knowing about hidden tabs on Excel spreadsheets Former Transnet CFO, Anoj Singh, told the state capture inquiry that he did not work with spreadsheets but that they were prepared for him. A screengrab of former Eskom CFO Anoj Singh appearing at the state capture inquiry on 22 April 2021. Picture: SABC/YouTube
21 minutes ago
JOHANNESBURG - State capture commission evidence leader Advocate Anton Myburgh has been laughing at former Transnet CFO, Anoj Singh.
Singh said that he did not know that Excel spreadsheets sent to him by Regiments Capital contained details of money laundering payments or that he had to open hidden tabs to see the information.
Former Public Enterprise Minister Malusi Gigaba has told the Zondo Commission that, in hindsight, he should not have allowed his advisor Siyabonga Mahlangu to go on holiday in India with Tony Gupta and Duduzane Zuma.