Local officials pose with a ceremonial ribbon cut to mark the opening of the realigned intersection of Cowpath and Orvilla Roads in Hatfield Township on Wednesday, May 12 2021. From left are township traffic engineer Anton Kuhner of McMahon and Associates, planning and zoning officer Ken Amey, state Senator Maria Collett, state Rep. Steve Malagari, former township commissioner Laura Thomas, current commissioners Gerry Andris and Tom Zipfel, former commissioner Scott Brown, current commissioners Deb Zimmerman (holding scissors), Bob Rogers and Greg Lees.
Dan Sokil - MediaNews Group
Dan Sokil - MediaNews Group
Dan Sokil - MediaNews Group
Bucks County Courier Times
Dana DeFilippis has been named CEO of Merck Sharp & Dohme Federal Credit Union, headquartered in New Britain Township. DeFilippis, previously the credit union s senior vice president, succeeded David Whitehead, who retired April 2 after 24 years of service at MSDFCU and a 45-year banking career. DeFilippis has over 25 years of banking experience, including 23 years at the executive level with MSDFCU.
Blair T. Rush, of Perkasie, was appointed executive vice president/region president for C&N s Southeast region, covering all of southeastern Pennsylvania. C&N is an independent community bank with 30 offices in Pennsylvania and New York. Rush has spent more than 40 years in the financial industry, joining C&N in 2020 when the company acquired Doylestown-based Covenant Bank, where he was president and chief operating officer.