Bucks County Courier Times
Dana DeFilippis has been named CEO of Merck Sharp & Dohme Federal Credit Union, headquartered in New Britain Township. DeFilippis, previously the credit union's senior vice president, succeeded David Whitehead, who retired April 2 after 24 years of service at MSDFCU and a 45-year banking career. DeFilippis has over 25 years of banking experience, including 23 years at the executive level with MSDFCU.
Blair T. Rush, of Perkasie, was appointed executive vice president/region president for C&N's Southeast region, covering all of southeastern Pennsylvania. C&N is an independent community bank with 30 offices in Pennsylvania and New York. Rush has spent more than 40 years in the financial industry, joining C&N in 2020 when the company acquired Doylestown-based Covenant Bank, where he was president and chief operating officer.