New Delhi: With the rising influx of COVID-19 cases in its second wave, MyGate has collaborated with I2Cure to secure its 15,000 gated societies across Bengaluru, Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Noida, Ahmedabad, Gurugram, Kolkata, and Chennai against the pandemic spread. I2Cure’s patented BioShield™ Antiseptic Lotion, a single-use, broad-spectrum antimicrobial that offers the protection of iodine against COVID-19 for six hours at a stretch, is a significant step up from existing alcohol-based solutions, which are merely disinfectants. With I2Cure’s solution, MyGate which has recognized the superficial nature of sanitizers and disinfectants, and their limited usefulness is bringing this state-of-the-art solution to all its societies across India ahead of time. This collaboration with I2Cure will see MyGate assisting gated communities to strengthen their protection against the deadly virus.