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55735 I want to thank Norris Turner who is taking home the dollar a day pack Barbara and Sam French pledging at the $200.00 level they are getting the news journals a live is a Elizabeth Russell artist Flanagan look Rhonda white Stanford Brian Walter Lippmann Won t you join them and call us right now is 821-898-5573 extension 5 if I don t make my goal I can no longer offer this this is Margaret Prescott the host of suggestion or truth at this critical time let us come together people let s not make this place a bloodbath 818-985-5735 I want to go and see your phone call Thank you for calling in pledging. This is Jamie you were listening to 90.7 k b s k Los Angeles 17 percent. From t.p.s. Keep Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles This is rising up what s on Ali and I m your host so not equal Hucker we re online at rising up it s on Ani dot com as the country reels from one shocking news event after another under the trumpet ministration will feature a powerful new documentary today produced b
And you are listening to 94 point one key p.f.a. And 89.3 k.p. a 50 in Berkeley 88 point one kid from Fresno 97.5 k. 248 are in Santa Cruz and on line I kid p.f.a. Dot org The time is 2 pm Stay tuned next for the visionary activist show. Yes. I do. Welcome allies to the visionary activist show and I m your Weaver of context Caroline Casey coming to you live from the coyote witchery outside Washington d.c. So as right wing is commentator David Frum said we are unique and soon as turned in American democracy there we go so my wonderful ally I guess there s our this is an egress and whom I will bring in and said we re going to raise the roof beams and go raise the roof being so we can see the stars Yes absolutely so as you know we are in sun Dr k.p.s. a Fun drive but it s a particularly great fun drives because Mercury and you are in a star transit in the sun of k.b.s. Say when our wonderful station our place of convening in times of. Dedicated protecting of democracy born in April 16th