And you are listening to 94 point one key p.f.a. And 89.3 k.p. a 50 in Berkeley 88 point one kid from Fresno 97.5 k. 248 are in Santa Cruz and on line I kid p.f.a. Dot org The time is 2 pm Stay tuned next for the visionary activist show. Yes. I do. Welcome allies to the visionary activist show and I'm your Weaver of context Caroline Casey coming to you live from the coyote witchery outside Washington d.c. So as right wing is commentator David Frum said we are unique and soon as turned in American democracy there we go so my wonderful ally I guess there's our this is an egress and whom I will bring in and said we're going to raise the roof beams and go raise the roof being so we can see the stars Yes absolutely so as you know we are in sun Dr k.p.s. a Fun drive but it's a particularly great fun drives because Mercury and you are in a star transit in the sun of k.b.s. Say when our wonderful station our place of convening in times of. Dedicated protecting of democracy born in April 16th $1049.00 the sun as you and it was at $25.00 plus Aries whose image is a woman bursting with gifts more than she can hold and mercury in your us are right on that right on that now meaning our beloved station is ready to be even more telepathically and electrically engaged in the crucial historic and historic nature of now and so on so visionary activist show today Ok let's save democracy via democratic animism I welcome longtime allies fellow member of the Council of unreasonable women Susan Grissom prolife. So prolific author of myriad books and today we're featuring a new edition of her book Women and nature the roaring inside her in this famously provocative cornerstone of feminist literature Susan Gerson explores the identification of women with the earth both as sustenance for humanity and as victim of male rage Her website is Susan Gresson dot com Welcome says I'm. So glad to be here this is great and we let's think of this is part one part one I'm so great I'm so glad. Many of you know Susan growth and. For many wonderful things she was awarded an any a fellowship an Emmy Award for the play voices she's featured in the 2014th feminist history film she's so beautiful and she's angry yes that's a great thing to say. And many things and your writings women in nature the ring inside her which was 978 and just reissued eco feminist treaties and many many books the arrows of everyday life and wrestling with the angel of democracy on being an American citizen and transforming terror that's great so let me just put out the pitch to our our dedicated listeners and then we will then we will raise the roof and cahoots with so much beauty that you are proffering to the world so team we are offering Susan Griffin's wonderful book woman and nature just recently reissued the roaring inside her. By Susan Griffin for a pledge of $100.00 and in keeping in good company from past guests we're also offering a token women 4000 year history of women and marijuana by Nola eventually started with some very surprising people in there for a pledge of $60.00 and from a recent fabulous radio guests Laura Cordner and Robert who run a miss the really in value. Book The Secret Life of Lady Liberty goddess in the new world for a pledge of $90.00 and that's by calling 180-439-5732 extension 1808 k.b. Essay or online securely at k.p. If they dot org because we have a lot of listeners out there in the name is fear in a low Japan and Australia and Alaska and and there's a couple of people in Syria I there are so. So wonderful All right we've done that now where shall we begin darling in so many this is so perfect to have you right now at this crucial component I'm I'm so glad to be talking to you now I mean we could begin with. What the situation you know Kathy and. I kept it will t. And in terms. Is in treason as in a change phrase on that then try to yeah I like to say that all tyranny is compensatory we need them and that Trump is a slave of premature articulation. So actually I think he is a sleaze you know there's a way that and which he did so in articulate and I'm just reading about that now I'm writing a book called strongman good and drawing some connections between. Fascism and Naziism and our current. But but but more I think there is there is something that is an American fascism it's a particular kind of fascism fascism. It's very much more allied with. Corporations corporate wealth and the irony that Trump would have run on at the station of. Attacking the one percent and saying you people working people have been screwed when in fact that's it he's one of the people guilty of such behavior and because of his backing by this obscure eccentric tyrannical Brazilian air Robert Mercer and his even more right wing daughter so I like to call trump a Mercer in every Ok. So yeah no absolutely you know and that's that's why you know again so great to go with you right now and in perpetuity because it is about you know healing the relationship and partnering really with with nature there's so much of that brewing you know the beautiful Standing Rock you know unabashedly saying we are protectors we're protecting Mother Earth or you know and again and hearing our our kinship. I mean that that that that the crew I think it's so important. That we're that we're kindred with nature and I think that the reigning and dominant philosophy of our culture for at least the last 1000 years has been. That we are above nature and somehow we're better than nature and somehow we can also and this is completely irrational but we can escape nature so that that kind of magic trick is pulled off by imagining that we are. That we are we're more of the spirit and nature is more material Now the problem is it's that human beings are obviously material and there's things like dinner and there's things like cleaning up afterwards and changing the baby's diapers so women who do that who traditionally have done those tasks are associated with nature and men with the spirit and one of the reasons that in this culture become so important to dominate women and to to show power over women is that it is a metaphorical show of power over nature so we're living in a culture that's profoundly divided from nature and being divided from nature we also don't look at the consequences of what we do as in polluting the waters by laying. Pipelines carrying highly toxic substances such as all hell underneath rivers. Yeah and you know again I get a lot of my metaphysics from the New York Times science section because everything real is also symbolic and I love from years ago I clipped this article and it said scientists discover that the nice thing around every river is an invisible river teeming with microorganisms but in design and that and that the health of the visible river depends on the health of the invisible River which is about 500 feet down about $100.00 yards out this is metaphysics one o one to health and everything depends on the invisible around it and again the invisible has been you know again the large realm of the darks and then in right it's pulsing all around and you know this is part of nature it's not it's not it is material it good that we can't see it doesn't mean that it's not material but that it's material did not mean that it isn't filled with spirit. One of the things I think you know one of the ways one of the reasons that so many indigenous peoples and 1st Peoples American Indians have been on the front lines right now is environmentalist is that. The philosophies with. Which they structure their societies and and which they've been taught from very young looks at everything in nature is and out with spirit and you know when you begin to open your eyes and see that it's become physically clear that that's the truth that the trees have a spirit they emanate a spirit why is it that we feel so good when we're walking says the woods Yeah sure they can we can talk about oxygen and all of that but there's also this communing feeling it's a communion or a lot we're in communion with a life the bad news is that we aren't in control the good news is that we're not alone. Right and there is this. Thing relentless war on life but another radio guest allies somebody I would love to connect with as Diana Baird's for Kroger who was orphaned boarded a druid family in Ireland you know orphaned raised by elderly Druids and then went and got a bazillion Harvard degrees and in botany and doctors to prove Druid lore and what she said was you know we love science and mysticism brought back together again because they really belong together and that's why she said walking into a pine forest you always come out smarter because I marvel at what a wonderful Yes wonderful and do you know the work of Robin Cameron raising sweet grass and gathering moss No but she's she's also a botanist and Native American and she puts those 2 together to learn to be a different way I learned to walk into a forest and you can't smart you certainly do. And she also said if you're lonely sit under a willow tree because the salicylic acid will heal your sense of connection. And that and then just also for us to women and radio and everything and boys to. She said if you take wall crush it it smells wonderful like like a kind of citrusy think and she said women if you rub it on the inside of your arm it will prevent breast cancer Oh how incredible so cooperators are standing by you know in keeping with her I love friends from Standing Rock say sage Against the Machine. That Against the Machine I love that yeah yeah and you know gassy wisdom is something that nature has and would be good you know science is catching up with that now I mean indigenous philosophies and diction and science. To dish and all ecological knowledge which is which is made American Native American Free People France digits people science I had known that forever you know. Yeah you know absolutely and so if we do put out our altar of desirable protections. You know another another great radio I like Terry Tempest Williams and many many many people who have been educated to protecting the Bears ears. National Monument Yes read such by Obama on his way out vulnerable because that was exactly what you say you know 1200000 acres you know to be stewarded by the tribes who've lived there for millennia but with a happy collaborative. Project with the federal government may be sold to have a learning institute in bluffs dedicated to indigenous and scientific knowledge wedded are going wonderful So yeah that's that's wonderful Yeah I think you know there's now we're understanding that the trees in a 4th are communicating with each other and not only are they doing that through their roots with the help of my shrooms but they are also. They are also helping each other that the trees that grow up collar. Are able to have more nutrients because they get much from light but they're sharing that system too with the younger small or treat. Yes You know again that yeah we could just be like we're going to we can just learned through yeah well do you remember way back when we were part of the founding Council of unreasonable women so well yes and we had a very jolly time you and I 2 and the whole team and from that Code Pink emerged in many great things. And yourself but you know when when at that time the government was planning on storing nuclear waste under Yucca Mountain and I said well in keeping with indigenous pragmatic mysticism you know without Schubert's or presumption let's invite. The mountain so to give her opinion on the test the situation yes and she did and she did right I think a day or 2 later that there was an earthquake under Yucca Mountain there was going to yeah yeah yeah and I'm glad you remember that I remember it very well and Trump is. Trump is wanting to revive that by the way he wants to reveal I store so so let's call on everybody out there in the airwaves call on the mountain you know to do her thing and we have right you are saying that to we have to really do our thing you know we have to protest this that's a that's a very good example of the kind of massive denial that exists in our culture for years we denied that radiation was toxic at the same time the government was doing studies that the toxic effects of radiation and they had I at one point hadn't had someone who was. Telling me what was going on at Oakridge she was working there as an engineer and. And she said they had a whole laboratory. Strange animals that had been exposed in utero or before or before even conception to radiation and with all these. To fix 3 legs several eyes that sort of thing. The public never got to see them you know it was top secret and it's this kind of kind of understanding of the damage we're doing to that to the earth kind of disappears if we keep it secret it's it's it's all part of the same psychology we keep things secret we begin to believe that they really are true. And Trump I believe is the manifestation of a long term pattern in this culture. And he tells these lies and then he tells them a lot and it's not only that you know that famous saying from gerbils Who Tell it Tell it Tell a lie over and over again people begin to believe that but it's also that you the liar begins to believe it particularly when you have somebody who's who's got the mental distortions that Trump has but his mental distortions I hasten to add you know when we when we look at the history of the Holocaust and of the 3rd Reich we most sophisticated historians now don't say oh it was all Hitler No it was that it was a social manifestation that was very disturbing it was not only him he could he wouldn't have that power if it was only him and that's that that's that's what's going on I was trying to use a manifestation of a very deep problem a problem of consciousness and heart. In our society so he appeals to people you know he is a strange the forgotten man you know people who are who feel they haven't been. Having they've been ignored abused by the culture and for a large part regarding working people that's in fact true and they have been ignored. So. That's part of the pattern to that but but but of course Trump is using it to his own purposes and he doesn't intend to help these folks at all but we have this idea in this culture that if you just don't look at something and you don't discuss it that it doesn't exist. Right well there's so much resonance and so many spiraling directions to everything you say I love Dorothy Parker answering the phone by saying what fresh hell is this. Because when you when you bring up radiation Robert Mercer Trump as a Mercer in the area largely funded and created in a cynical way to tap into resentment against the elites by the elite so it's a hinge on but the science the scientist in quotes that they love it forgotten his name says radiation is good for us and those who weren't killed outright in Japan actually were improved by it and we can do all kinds that this is the scientist that has the ear of Robert Mercer and you know and I claim that possessed by cunning demonic retrovirus still going well you know and even if there were some little tiny sliver of truth to that. I don't think there is that but think of how cruel it is you know it's really that it's really that the underlying philosophy is might makes right and that's allied to the survival of the Fit which is not which is not Darwinian finance is a matter of fact our own. Knew that a healthy environment depends on variety and diversity but but but this might makes right philosophy that let's let's have the strongest survive and that was that was a program you know we had weed out the weak. Yes and again Tyrannus compensatory we need them but the fascination with the strong. And. Yes as you say absolutely. Darwin much more sensible than he was those who quote him but also at that time you Republican and many others you know. Life evolves through you know that's right we have both we have both streams in our culture we have steadily you know developed the other Simonis Dorothy even and you know the Catholic Church destroys the day there's Pope Francis who is so wonderful on a lot of social justice issues and. You know so and then you then you have. Nazi collaborators collaborators and it's a Catholic church. You know our history we have both of these streams going on and. And there's you know let's let's hope I mean if I think we're down to the wire now the collaborative people who believe in kindness and collaboration and democracy and equality. And mutual respect if if if that attitude doesn't win out. None of us will survive because. We're destroying the Earth we're destroying the very ground we walk on the ground of our survival. But again in keeping with with our teammates and say Spotted Eagle would say when that philosophy triumphs Yeah. Because because I was wired I used to always say you know all wars of failure of imagination and I'm like well yeah and here and here to run teaching Caroline complete the sentence is all wars a failure of imagination then all peace is a triumph of the imagination I here we go well selfless it is that not fabulous and I love I love it that you that you do that and you always hear people say let's let's have this you know vision of what is entirely possible and what in fact will be so terribly important and I I do think though that the 2 visions belong together that the nightmare vision if you have that with out the vision of what we have the power to make true. Then you know you get it stuck in that nightmare and it leads to cynicism and inaction and despair but also if you have anything is going to be alright that can be what me worry if you don't have much the you name the understanding of what what will happen if we don't act right now. Got to have got to have the whole thing about. Their vision is 5 x. Structure of play with plays and storytelling that a friend said it's like one is here we are a 2 is a way Act 3 is. Evil Oh my God Oh my God And next 5 is the redemption the Renaissance the good thing but you know you've got to go through actual order to earn x.i.v. You can tack on the happy ending without descending into the thing and you and you can't also just. You know and with that with x. For life sucks there you go so yeah yeah yeah and you have to convert x. 4 into you have to do what trees do you know which carbon dioxide and it becomes oxygen and we breathe it in it's life but you know we have. To convert the tragedy into into wisdom right yeah beautiful convert metabolise I like somebodies phrase they go we're all living in a post 11 world No I so. I mean that it's true yeah it is it is it is a daunting dynamic but but let's 1st you are giving a wonderful talk 3 to 5 pm on Sunday May 21st in Berkeley Yeah. Yeah if you stuck at the end Robert's campus 3075 idling street Berkeley the Ashby Bart Station. So you're going to. Feel free to tell that. You know I'm going to be interviewed by Kate raffia who on Kate Oh yeah you know I love her yeah she's terrific and so she's interviewing man I've been thinking a lot about this and as I say I'm writing this book called Strong men and I've been thinking about the connection between something that I have I've going to turn and I'm using it in this new book and I'm calling it masculine ism as opposed to masculinity massive There's nothing wrong with masculinity is the biological fact masculine ism is. A philosophy that is aligned with might makes right and aggression and power over. And Stark individual is as opposed to eccentric fun individual ism and. So. I'm going to talk about that in the relationship of that to war and militarism although all those it's an interesting ethical issue if we throw mass killers into the cauldron maybe we pro-feminist women too I mean just. There as well I'm I'm I'm also going to write about feminism as you know there's feminism which means women's rights and that's what how it's being interpreted generally right now which is fine I don't have an objection to that but in a day when the 2nd wave women's movement. Arose Feminism really meant something. Else it didn't simply mean women's rights it had in mind a transformation of society which was liberate men as well as women and. Looked at gender as full of category as a structure that came out of society so that both masculinity and femininity are kind of lies. So but feminism also represented what have been called feminine values that are really human values and that is the values we've been talking about helping each other connection community. Reverence for nature reverence for a life including human life. Yes and the pragmatic mysticism dynamic. Like inviting Yucca Mountain to express yourself so like partnering again so much of your beautiful work in and women in nature the roaring insider. Everybody all are dedicated listeners and while you're at it why not go to the phone hear I'm going to be responsible while you're roaring are warring with enthusiasm for the beauty of Susan Griffin's dedicated life and her politike business and her unborn is so inspiring and the book that we're offering now being reissued woman in nature the roaring inside her and we can even read some enticing quotes but that can be yours for a pledge I thank you gift for a pledge of 100 dollars by calling 180-439-5732 or on line tape if they dot org That's 180439572 as you know there are activist animist So we are rewarding activism an enemy as I'm on this show and in our hearts many people say their dogs like to listen to the show pledge for your dogs. Stella coyote is asleep quite close to me she goes yeah I'm 19 and I'm a coyote pledged to the station. And Black Hat is in back of me because I mean it's all it's in the candles are going there we go so yeah and we're also offering this I think this works together to token women a 4000 year history of women in marijuana by Nola eventually wonderful guest from 3 weeks ago when I couldn't hear the guests but they carried on perfectly splendidly we're doing better now. And it's got some surprising peoples It's got some obvious people but it's also got I had to go well Gertrude Bell. On a bill that's kind of obvious Mary Todd Lincoln really should've should've taken more you know and Queen Victoria Queen Victoria Louisa May Alcott is no it's always a glam but she doesn't have a Heaven bless her. She says if it's dreams and like this Oh that's another thing so you know Little Women George Eliot the list of very well you know a great author of Middlemarch you know other fabulous people and Hildegard von Bingen there she was gardening and growing we do it's fantastic anyway so this is a very sun book it goes really it goes really well with women and nature the roaring insider by Susan Griffin for pledge of 100 you can also have token women very fun you know just leave it out you know every now and then when you're talking up for a pledge of 60 and then also goes really well said it was a book you would love this book says and these wonderful people the secret life of Lady Liberty goddess in the New World by Robert her animists and Laura Cordner I close with them on the radio once replayed it once and then and then and then 2 weeks ago I had them on the radio where I could not hear them but they carried on perfectly well. And Elaine Page also is a complete grown up so the employees of Lady Liberty rentals through history biology mythology and politics to investigate the meaning and the power of the Statue of Liberty enjoyable to read and inspiring to go by so you could have that for a pledge of $90.00 There you go you lucky teammates these are all things I love I do not just telling them I love them they are thank you gifts from the heart again by calling 18495732 remember again our own wonderful Susan Gerson fellow fellow founding member of the Council of unreasonable women there we go and pragmatic mystic embodied and prolific will be speaking May 21st 3 to 5 pm at the end Roberts campus and I'm honored speaking with Joanna Macy final on June which talking about women in nature and about the nanny many ways that our work intersects at bay area but of all on on Sunday I tune for a long and for a clock at the Magnetar for him yeah yeah well. Yes Give my regards you were both adored as as mavens that people are often saying do you want to be an elder like no it's too frumpy a word that I'll be made and Susan Griffin is a maven I'm going to make us a great honor and I want to think you know what k.p. If a doing and doing for our lives is so terribly important I mean I really do feel I just was reading a passage in the new book about how I think many of the Trump followers. Have lack of will can't you Larry for what they're suffering they don't subscribe to Katie if they don't not listening to Katie and they don't have words to describe what's happening to them and then it comes out just to kind of brute anger because they feel so powerless and what can be if they do it it helps us understand what's happening it gives us a vocabulary gets a sense of community. So so please do support this this final vital resource for all yeah that's good and then also I love the magic words yet conservatives don't listen to k.p. I say Yeah because I can actually actually do I've been recruiting I've been recruiting I've been because again for the likes of the brilliant storytellers like yourself it is such an opportunity for everyone listening you know to be an invitational storyteller because as the razzle dazzle swindle becomes apparent to people who voted for Trump and others whatever as it as it is and where to really moral moment you know even you know the Republicans killed us and protected you know air and water yesterday and you know for 5 gaining ground going this is troubling no no more this is troubling way to really moral moment you know you know we want the invitational stories so I do know Elo conservatives I know there are issue conservatives who are listening to the show possibly right now you are especially welcome you know who's a good. Servant of yes you are was was was. Saying reverence will because because there are unifying stories there are many points of disagreement but but this is an extraordinary moment we're on national and you know we're on this planet together and I have to say I've never had such a deep understanding as I've gotten from this whole cycle this whole period of the last few months of patriotism I suddenly the meaning you know because it's for a long time it seemed to be a kind of empty word that was bandied about to sort of sort of batter people that you disagreed with they say that you know but now I'm saying that somebody who has the courage to stand up whatever political parties there and and say this is violating our country what you're placing the country. The principles of our country and then the welfare of our country above your own political party and that's a truly patriotic act so I especially celebrate the conservatives who are standing up right now for what is right well to do remember the movie that still holds up I recommend a door listening dynamic audience 7 Days in May or early 1960 s. Novel by so I don't think I ever saw that I know my God certainly heard about it or put it in your list because it does it's very pertinent to now I mean it's a it's a slightly switch but the reason I want to bring up just a little drop of that medicine is. Burt Lancaster and I think it was an evil military guy plotting a coup against the government but the moment to extract is there comes a moment. Where where there's a turning you know I liken it to you know when we when we put sugar salt in the water and it does all solution dissolve and then you add one more grain of salt and it all falls out. We're saturated with lies you know as one more little thing in the 7 days in a movie you know it's just it just goes too far and the people who are up to no good who are going to do bad things are like Ok. And we're really there I think we are and you know you're representing the well we don't have to split ourselves that way I mean I I feel that we can turn things around too but I also I think turning it around means if we're to do that we have to recognize what's at stake and the planet is stake for one thing but it's also democracy is at stake it's not simply an issue of whether or not you know what is it whether the Russians polluted our election it's that violates if that was done and I think it probably was. It violates democracy and if we let if we let this go unprosecuted and unrecognised then we have a serious ongoing problem because it's not just a single instance if you let something like that happen you know I just you know I'm having a window replaced in my house and there was a little dry rot and well that's got to be fixed so it's being fixed because if you let it go on. It's it's only going to get worse and maybe the House will come tumbling down. And that's what's happening with our democracy right now so we have got to attend to this we've got to save our democracy and I do have. That people will do that but in history it hasn't always come out that way eventually but. Sometimes too many people die and suffer in the meantime. Let me quote a wonderful wise woman named Susan Grafton who says every important social movement reconfigures the world in the imagination what was obscure or comes forward lies a revealed memory shaken nude delineations drawn over the old lapse is from this new way of seeing the present that hope emerges for the future let us begin to imagine the worlds we would like to inhabit the long lives we will share and the many futures in our hands what a wise woman that says I'm going to. Live next imagined universal health care right now yeah and universal. Higher education for anyone who you know anyone who wants it. And has the ability to to achieve it. Without any financial barriers right and blessid like well more is just becoming more and more of themselves in a in a slowly and swarmed and jaunty manner I love what he said he said since he saw this train wreck coming last August so did I say he's been on a creative tear I'd like to be. Opening a play on Broadway and going out and it's not your thing isn't it yeah yeah isn't that kind of elite and he goes No I want to talk to everybody you know that's where you know upper middle America lives I'm going everywhere and yeah I love that because yeah you know as you as you mention it's the secretary of state is Exxon and you know there's the Russian thing and we don't you know we don't polarize into the u.s. But we do go right the Arctic is at stake I mean that's why the meeting with the whatever to lift the sanctions in order to drill and it's the corporate It's the corporate Russia and the corporate you know Exxon we don't care and yeah and the you know. Counted miners. The atmosphere in Russia which has. Even less regulation. I mean what regular you know it talks about regulations as if they were sort of rules imposed on schoolchildren who want to eat sugar and something now now regulation when you regulating industry and corporations what you're doing is you're preventing them from creating a kind of economic Cairney over everybody on the face of the air. Do you do remember there's a great moment in the play I'm in for all seasons where. Protectionist hero says and Roper would you cut down all laws and all regulations you know and then having cut them down the laws being all slapped Where would you hide from the devil and the howling winds are it's like misquote but you get the gist of it you know it so you know so the Saturn Saturn boundaries and you know that's why we go we do we do want these you know and I love you know well you know to get into to tout your beautiful book which we're offering as a thank you guest woman in nature by the roaring inside her all right by Susan Griffin's pledge of 100 dollars by calling 180-439-5732 we do it we have a very diverse listening audience everybody is completely welcome that really is democratic animism there's dogs and there's humans and there's a people and we're in Santa Cruz and all over the world really by by web and you can pledge online k.p.s. a Dot org But I also get a lot of mail from prisons and a lot of prisoners Listen to this show so we pledge for those who cannot. There's also a number of wonderful friends who work with the homeless and so on Cisco say the homeless like the show because they go she talks and symbols that's our language so they cannot pledge so pledge for the homeless pledge for those in prison pledge for your dog pledge for yourself pledge for the earth pledge for beautiful Susan Gerson . You know these are thank you gifts again woman in nature the ring inside her. Again just to say in this famously provocative cornerstone of feminist literature Susan Griffin explores the identification of women with the earth as sustenance for humanity and as that dome of male rage until now or well no it's still ongoing it's true I can't really chime in we can't quite declare until now but we're get we're moving that way yeah yeah yeah and it is a clarion call right because we go yes there are some places certainly still Saudi Arabia is in the where it is very difficult to speak out as a woman people do women do but the cost is high but here here we have Pacifica who is herself it woman you know humans come and go. But the spirit of Pacifica the goddess of peace herself that's what we're pledging to. And and it's so there's you know I love when we begin talking right Susan Griffin and I the beginning of this hour the metaphor overhead because I always do the charts was a radical magazine circulating liberating ideas so I tellee. And series Daimler a dwarf planet goddess of the earth was straight up overhead we go we're doing it for her Pacifica is for the earth and for all the beings. Again the renaissance of reverent ingenuity me emerge from this rubble and beautiful Jupiter in Libra is about stories of kinship and mending our broken treaties with the flora and fauna so we species we rogue species can rejoin the choreography of creation and that's a lot really about where you are right again mending mending our broken treaties with beauty Oh yeah definitely yeah I mean I think that. Poetry and. Literature kind of are able to swim under. The way you know if we have this huge wave of so you know. Dominance and aggression and masculine ism and militarism coming at us but you can swim right under the wave if you anybody does everybody sort of you know what that's like and and poetry and literature do that they take you to a deeper knowledge and knowledge that's in your body that's what it's what makes you start to dance to music. And the music and literature is so beautiful sounds. Connects you with this profound knowing that's more than your sort of limited rational thought you know what we call rational thought it's not simply. Logical it's. It's been trained by the culture you know I'm I'm I'm all in favor of reason and logic don't get me wrong and I use that quite I use reason and logic quite a lot but there's also a sort of. Maybe it should be called more like a rationalization or rationalization of horrendously destructive. Attitudes and behaviors and there's a there's there's rationales and rationalization and we've been taught that schematically forced into that way of thinking so so that dominant way of thought you have to really you have to repel against it it's it's in all of us we have internalized it since childhood but also since childhood with it we've had another understanding that's much deeper much more profound much stronger within us and music the music of literature the beauty of literature beauty of any kind of beauty of art to help us to find that in ourselves and that is. A never ending source of strength. Absolutely so I beautiful guest is a long time ally of life. Grossman a long time lover she has many lovers chipmunks and plants and animals and creatures and women and then it does everything she's a lover of life and life loves her Susan Griffin has fabulous book woman in nature the roaring insider is just out in a fresh additions for Pacifica the goddess of peace and dedicated listeners to the vision it to the show so woman in nature the roaring inside her by Susan Griffin great ally and that's a thank you gift for a pledge of 100 dollars by calling 180-439-5732 extension 10 Look wait we I love this collaborative evolutionary collaborative mutual aid we have a large Adam in Berkeley has offered a 500 dollar batch 500 is a magic number 5 is sacred dizziness that's really great so we have a national ranking Adam Schefter wonderful singer my dad I'm a friend I get it yeah well good all right well they well we're where we're we're in in the mailing rematch and so that means everybody who pledges now because we are offering token women a 4000 year history of women and marijuana I know eventually stuff very patient wonderful guest of 3 weeks ago let me just open at random here just going Jane Fonda I was surprised by that because it's like really I know her little bit she's quite wonderful but she has to be pretty know fairly she's going to. Observe the element of it's obvious and Roseanne Barr it was a modern people but Gertrude Bell queen of the desert is a colonial right winger but she was woken up at least gun uses lover Oh yeah dreamy eyed girl and I have marveling Yeah that I think and yeah she was just Canary was she said thank you for the dream drug Yeah well she was from a dream great line yeah yeah together gone and Gates in Paris in 1900 for an attempt to make themselves telepathic All right let's go with that. Radio is telepathic There we go I guess we're offering that look I almost got lost and it took in women a 4000 year history of women in marijuana for a pledge of thank you gift. For a pledge of $60.00. Book The Secret Life of Lady Liberty goddess in the New World by Robert Khurana most and Laura Corden are really great allies I want to get all of these people together. And that's all for you if you call by calling 180-439-5732 or pledging online at k.p. If a dot org You know for the visionary activist show where we convene this every week do you know really what activism an enum ism and blended together and and the mythological News Service. It's 20 and a half years old this show my God and how I know it's amazing. Pledge pledge for this place where we gather and every week there's new listeners either either either and every week there's you know long time listeners oh sometimes come up you know and I love you know last time I was in California a very stylish fabulous beautiful hip black woman came up and said Meet my voice in the ladies' room and said I don't have boys you raised me I started listening to your show when I was 17 and I'm 30 now I'm like oh my god that redeems my entire life but that's worth the whole ride so this beloved station ever more important it's however you choose to tell that story right now we want a place for sane reverence for critique about the nightmare vision and what we can do critique and solutions and Pacifica's charge is all coming alive now its fair share so we want to live want to everything magically just had the Buddha's full moon and so is and was really embodying it in a way because it's this full moon right behind us is all about the commerce between the visible and the invisible and creating templates into which. We invite power and sustenance so think of Pacific also as a template and the vision after shows a template into which we're inviting in it all while we're on radio it's invisible and you know you calling the station is invisible and the money you give us is invisible until it benefits us to the need for the 2 that you know in the flourishing of the station so it's a perfect time to do a dedicated magic which includes the you know the dedicating of beautiful money to well liberating it from bad things to good things again by calling 180-439-5732 or online to be a fait dot org. So yes anywhere you want to go says I'm now well you want me to read a passage from women in nature I do I do that's really good. Oh. Ok we. Were a little bit short team I'm just getting from our beautiful phone room volunteers and we're so grateful that they're there we want to rouse things up so so we still have a $500.00 match let's let's make this thing go and let's be surprising and I know Susan. Has been distractingly fascinating that she's going to do a little pitch before she says wonderful things to encourage everybody to call all right there we go through so we can get ourselves up to speed here now on so that you know money years is it's symbolic you know and it's not nothing because it represents something and and and it can be you know to keep this station alive and keep these voices out in our community and and keep you informed and keep us singing together all in a in one choir so do it and in which you can yes and call that number 180-439-5732 extension 4 life for the Arctic sort of song guide for all the guess we bring the wonderful of which Susan is a is a great an underdog member all the people Terry Tempest Williams and Stephen dinner and Paul Stamets and and Diana Beresford Kroger and Joanne and they see you know all these and does to people who come to present critique and solution so again we're offering Susan's beautiful book woman a nature of the roaring insider. So actually when you call Feel free to call 180-439-5732 go. I'm calling to pledge that would be fine so I'm in a line disguised as a human. So and also the secret life of Lady Liberty goddess. A new world for pledge of $90.00 token women $4000.00 jury history of women and marijuana for pledge of 60 by calling and you can probably I mean you don't have to can be can it be sort of monthly but add up that $90.00 having a certain amount of month can she do it that way to I'm sure you can talk to our cooperators who are standing by in the phone room at 184-9572 also you know you bring up a really good point which is these are these are matches and $500.00 Bad still let this go to waste going on there we go but you know any amount you know that you give with your heart with dedication by the pledging of this side dollars or $20.00 that is is welcome so we come post elimination going oh I don't know of a $100.00 anything is completely welcome in the democracy of our gathering Yes So Susan if anything came to read that you think I'm going to read it now because it fits very well with with what you've been saying so it's called flying it's the middle section and woman in nature and it begins with a quote from Bessie Henderson crook of Devon and in $1661.00 he was taken out of that meeting in a flight. And those years whatever we wanted it seemed we could not have nothing in our lives was ever fortunate we had the meager portion of things and when things were where we went with out there it is our lot in life we told ourselves and we stopped wanting only we longed and we grew so accustomed to the pain of longing that we call this our nature we put this into our songs we said disappointment was part of life even in our imaginations all our attempts began to fail but one day all this changed on this day we met a woman who was used to getting what she wanted she ate Lord large portions and her body was fit to let us know there were other such women we were witched we began to dream we were like this woman her very smile invited us to be like her and that is how we were finally and then she added we began to think we might get what we want our longing turned into desire to know how desire can run through the limbs how one in let your eyes Pierce space desire propels even the sleep how resolved to act kind of 1st this atmosphere as quick as light we were alive with desire and we knew we could never go back to those years of longing this is why despite the threat of fire and our fear of the flame we burst out through the roof of our houses desire is a force inside us our mouth dropped open in the rushing air our bodies float among the stars and we laugh in ecstasy to know the air has wishes the stars want yes we call out full of ourselves and delight Yes we sing we fly Fiza night. A wonderful invitation that's really great yes last. Last wishes and. Yes you're running into desire right your inning into the Zire because it is that beautiful uplift like a saxophone like the call to prayer like that and your beautiful words is your ning into desire where it's it's met by yes it's a call and response time they really are right now not alone in front of the whole unit you know the whole universe is. You know filled with but the desire to become to become what. You know what we're on a state of becoming and everything around us is in a state of becoming right every morning we evident and burning but it's always true . Yeah absolutely and everything into the cauldron going you know is this the most beautiful possible human culture No of course not let's throw it in a little it out we want to. Shove a shallow shock she in Piedmont for a wonderful pledge and cv Ackley and see to bow and come on t.v. Let's have a rousing finale because we have a $500.00 and that's that we're just as smooth short of oh come on beautiful team again we have spank you gifts and and sell a coyote is 1000 She's been my co-producer see is this guy that he has dug for 1000 years she's exhorting as well going. You know pledge your kinship with priorities and with your inner trickster and with the inner tricksters keeper of democracy and for the beautiful work of Susan Griffin and all of the people who contributed to this renaissance by looking you know absolutely seriously at the nightmare before us and reaching in and going yes that is true and here's what we can do there we go so we're offering Susan's beautiful book well the nature of the roaring insider for pledge of all in $100.00 we're offering the secret life of Lady Liberty for a pledge of $90.00 we're offering token women 4000 year history of women in marijuana for a pledge of $60.00 by calling 180-439-5732 or pledging unlined k.p. If they dot org a rousing finale would be really great where in our world our last minute or so Susan what would you like to say to the world. Well we can do it we all have to be on board you know everybody has to do whatever they can. I'm. 74 years old I can only go on all the demonstrations I'm just not physically capable of it but I can find to get petitions I can make phone calls everybody calls you we all do what we can it's already having. Point in effect let's keep that up no that's great and when and when that's key the community we're forming in the process the tension all about. Being together and working together that's what it's all about Definitely and we are citizen trickster as keeper of democracy arising in all of our fights and indivisible daily actions don't forget that insist persist Wolf will call for a special prosecutor to take over the Trump Russian dissertation aim for World 2 for 111 for one but now back 218-043-9573 extension 2 Democracy central democratic animism central So let's feed and nourish this beautiful station where we convene in the visionary activist show that would be great again Susan Griffin's beautiful book woman in nature the roaring inside her for a pledge of $100.00 and you can pledge online keep USA dot org going on people we would love to make the $500.00 match that would be really good oh and Lucy gave her a convoy they sent us a pledge of $100.00 what a great human she is and Elaine Auerbach in Berkeley for a pledge of $108.00 as a magic Buddhist That's fantastic as pledge of magical moment that amuses you that would be great so that's a great way to go out thank you thank you for ever Susan Griffin and I don't want you to let us think of this is part one I want to delve further into colluding presently yet we have to continue this one day we will continue this and thanks I'll always to Eric abridgement in Berkeley and Caroline Casey and here we go well great well you great love they will steal love. Oh oh.

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