Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) welcomed the move of the authorities to carry out anti-encroachment drives in the national capital by saying that it will prevent Bangladeshi infiltrators and Rohangiyas from becoming a threat to the national security.
The top court extended the status quo until further orders on the issue of demolition of buildings in the violence-hit Jahangirpuri area and said it would take a serious view of an alleged violation of its order even after the NDMC mayor was informed.
In wake of the altercation between two groups that erupted during a religious procession, North Delhi Mayor Raja Iqbal Singh on Wednesday said that police deployment has been requested to avoid any mishap during the anti-encroachment drive in Jahangirpuri.
Amid the Jahangirpuri violence, the Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered status quo on the demolition drive of the North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC), with