when it explodes they release bomblets. they can be a shape charge, it s something that can pierce armor, so an up armored vehicle, they could blast right through it. another option is an anti-personnel option, and it s when the bomblet fragments into pieces and as it hits an individual, a body, it does more damage, frankly to the individual. it has a higher potential to wound or kill an individual. it is an anti-armor, and antipersonnel capability over a large area. ukraine has continued to have a difficult time maintaining its stockpile of artillery. this is something that can make up for the deficit. they re running through thousands of artillery rounds every single day in the fierce fighting, particularly as this counter offensive is really underway now. then we get to why this is a controversial munition, alex,
somebody else who knows how to do it. they don t know how to do it and are not doing it very well. cluster munitions gives you, it gives you basically 5-1 ratio on unitary munitions, think of it as a football field. cover the football field with one, each round has about 80 dual purpose munitions in it, anti-personnel and anti-armor. the reason why they are concerned about the use is because the dove rate on those, the first gulf war, we had americans get killed and wounded, is 14 to 20%. so you are worried about when you use it, are the civilians going to pick them up after you use them, and then the concern you have to have is if you put them in a place you attack or assault through, you are going to have to run them yourself and better be aware of that. they will affect you as well. what you want to do, you use
a little bitsy error, an accounting made by the pentagon on the cost of weapons when it was only $6.2 billion. great. you might think taxpayer money is saved. not so fast. the pentagon is using the surplus as an excuse to send even more equipment to ukraine. here s what you ve sent so far, whether you know it or not, courtesy of your tax dollars 1700 stinger anti-aircraft. over 10,000 javelin anti-armor systems. hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds, rockets, tanks, trucks, grenade launchers. if i read this full list, i d be here all night. but there s one more twist to this story. listen to amount. the prime minister of ukraine recently requested, but we still need another $6.5 billion. we have set an ambitious goal of securing pledges for this amount a result of this conference. wow, what a coincidence.