Variety of Early American History religion and culture. But he is perhaps best known as one of the most prolific and important historians of the American Civil War and of course Abraham Lincoln. He has received numerous prestigious awards including the lincoln pride, the Abraham Lincoln Institute Book prize and the authors regularly a number of articles that are published in leading newspapers, usa today, the wall street journal, the Washington Post and hes featured regularly on television and radio programs such as nprs weekend edition. He is the henry luke professor of civil war era at Gettysburg College where he serves as director of the Civil War Era Studies Program however he is on sabbatical from Gettysburg College this year and he serves as William Garwood visiting professor in the James Madison program of american ideals and institutions at Princeton University. You can learn more about his work either by visiting his web site allen guelzo. Com but perhaps most importantly alle
Described at the time as a case without known parallel, a case that author matt lake says philadelphia broke wide open. Matt we caught him and we got the body, yeah. Hed have gotten away with it too if it werent for those darn philly kids. George most of h. H. Holmes notoriety centers in chicago, around the site of whats now this us post office. It was there, in 1889, that he built his famous Murder Castle Hotel ahead of the citys world fair, a castle full of secret chutes and gas chambers. Some who arrived were never seen again. Matt hed wind up putting them into an airtight room and turning a gas on in there until they suffocated. George experts believe holmes made big money selling his victims body parts and swindling their insurance. And in 1894, holmes brought his swindling to philadelphia and this corner of 13th and callowhill. It was here, lake says, that greed finally got the best of him. In his scheme to get insurance money, he killed his business partner, making it look like
Remains to tribes. Up next, a Panel Discussion on how the smithsonian has complied with the law. This is just under 90 minutes. Get started again, if you could please take your seats. Good morning, again. I am associate general counsel in the office of general counsel for the smithsonian. I just celebrated my 29 anniversary with the smithsonian, so i like to say sometimes that i was there at the creation of nmai. The last panel was a walk down memory lane because i intended that 1987 hearing where secretary adams was asked by senator and no way inouye was asked about the remains and was able to participate in many of the discussions that led to the creation of museum. But more about that in a minute. Let me also say that the issues of repatriation of which ive dealt with many of them over my almost 30 years have provided me with some of the most interesting and rewarding work of my career. I think for those of you who are here and are able to hear about this process that has gone on fo
With the law. This is just under 90 minutes. Get started again, if you could please take your seats. Good morning, again. I am associate general counsel in the office of general counsel for the smithsonian. I just celebrated my 29 anniversary with the smithsonian, so i like to say sometimes that i was there at the creation of nmai. The last panel was a walk down memory lane because i intended that 1987 hearing where secretary adams was asked by senator inouye was asked about the remains and was able to participate in many of the discussions that led to the creation of the museum. But more about that in a minute. Let me also say that the issues of repatriation of which ive dealt with many of them over my almost 30 years have provided me with some of the most interesting and rewarding work of my career. I think for those of you who are here and are able to hear about this process that has gone on for 25 plus years, i am sure that you share that view that these issues are so interesting.
Accentuated the positive qualities. It did not inspire me to follow in the footsteps of pat robertson. But i created my on different evangelismelectronic , when i set up with the Bbc World Service. It took some zeal for the subject, a dollop of ambition, and a dose of faith. Andow journalism student astrologer, who insisted on doing my birth chart, told me that as an extreme said to terry and, i was destined to become a preacher, teacher, or journalist. I guess i combined all three. I have always had a fascination for the role that religion plays in public life, particularly in america, where it is rich in paradox goal, the nation with the soul of the church, where religion and politics are intimate bedfellows, and where the separation of church and state remain sacrosanct. I studied that, with the nevus is on the then powerful religious right, and i continue to do so as a reporter. Being a religion reporter was just like being a student, learning something new everyday, extending my h