s anthony: hello, hi. cristina: these are my friends. tito: want some beer? anthony: yeah, sure. it s so beautiful here. tito: salud man. anthony: thanks for having me. anthony: tito auger is a beloved singer-songwriter. cristina rivera-miró is his fiancée. he lives on the outskirts of vega alta, where he grew up. tito: i ve been playing for 20 years now. i write very specific songs about my town, my country. i m not trying to sell any dreams but i tell everybody that we have it inside of us to make it to the other side. tito: do you want to come inside and meet the chefs? anthony: in the kitchen, they re putting together quite the ast. anthony: how are you man? tito: this is my bass player and chef. anthony: okay good someone in
life liza: there s no money left. i worry about my future. i don t know what i m going to live off. i have two jobs in order to pay my bills, have my car, have my house, and pay for my kids education. there s no way with one job as a teacher i can do that. anthony: so how do you continue? liza: i know i can get paid triple in the states, but i don t want to give up on my country. my kids see how their parents struggle. things can change if only one stands up and decides i m going to do this. but we have to empower those children. we have to make them believe they can change that there is a better life for them. and i m getting emotional because sometimes i feel that i failed. i cannot save all of them that s the truth, but i can save a lot. and that s my job. so that s what i m going to do. i have hope. i have faith. i m taking a jump of faith.
anthony: how? erica: i don t know how. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis and you re talking to your rheumatologist about a medication, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further irreversible damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems,
the band who can cook, that s good. essential. all: salud. anthony: mollejas con guineitos, sautéed chicken gizzards and green bananas. anthony: wow that s good. anthony: codfish fritters. carne guisada, a beef stew cooking since the morning. traditional mofongo. tito: it s like, what we call our food, you know? and these guys do a nice twist to it. anthony: and you make a living as a working musician just on the island? tito: i do but i m lucky. i m like one of the few ones. you can play around the island but it s really hard to get heard. everything comes from the outside. the radio station don t support local music. anthony: do you have any faith in your political leadership? both: no.
that the navy took. so it s part of the rescues that happened throughout the 80 s 90 s. anthony: farming is difficult work so why? ana: my mom would ask the same question. she was like what are you doing? are you quitting job that in puerto rico it s hard to find a good job but i think that farming is the most practical thing that we can do in the midst of a crisis. xavier: that is something that is going to create work that is going to help the economy. anthony: it s a blunt question but can you make money farming? ana: in puerto rico it s still a challenge because obviously we still get food that is super subsidized from the u.s. but many people who are our neighbors are like i ll pay more like how much is it worth. people really value the work when they see we re working for it. xavier: that s part of my statement. it s part of educating people. since our generation, supermarkets, supermarkets. ana: we were consciously stripped away from farming. people were forced o