TIRUPATI: Andhra Pradesh Minister for Tourism, Culture, and Youth Advancement RK Roja celebrated her 50th birthday atop the Tirumala hill where she offered special prayers to the Lord Venkateshwara Swamy on Thursday. The actress-turned-politician interacted with the media and expressed her happiness to be in Tirumala which she said was like home to her. She said that with the
Real life stories become movies. But the film is a testament to the fact that stories can come to life. One person excelling in several fields is something Roja has achieved. Roja, who made a name for herself as a film actress and a screen presenter, has also made her mark in politics in her own style. Family background Roja's real name is Srilatha and was born on 16/11/1971.
New Delhi: Jashn Event Management & Promoters once again organized a wonderful book launch event at The Readers Cafe Noida. Book The Flame in My Heart was released by Anshu Malika along with some readers keeping all the safety measures & the