cadillacac s renaissssance, was dadaring to gogo all elect. ( ) was dadaring to gogo all elect. so.. .w.what s yourur renaissana? ( ) salonpasas lidocainene flex. a super r thin, flexexible h wiwith maximumum otc ststrength lididocaine that c contours toto the body to relieveve pain right t where it h hurts. otc ststrength lididocaine that c contours toto the body anand did we m mention, itit r, realally sticks?s? salonpasas, it s gooood medic. (tononya) because i smoked,, i have heartrt failure. i went f from me beieing theieir caregivever to t the husbandnd anand kids beieing mine. i went f from me beieing theieir caregivever (announcncer) the pepeoplu loveve are worthth quitting g. yoyou can quitit. for frfree help, callll 1-800-quiuit-now. yoyou can quitit. trelegy fofor copd. birds f flyin highgh, you knknow how i f feel.
responsibly with artificial intelligence. she expects her company s technology to be deployed within five years. and that could lead to a slight name change. i m looking forward to the day we can just, yeah, take those two off and look at that. reporter: change the name again. [laughter] for eye on america, ben tracy, on the shores of lake huron. major: a former olympian, a mother-daughter duo, and theheir hihigh-flying g adventure.e. thatat s next. (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my children are really worried.. my tip is, sendnd your kidsds a text. it mayay be the lalast time that youou do. (announcncer) you cacan quit. cacall 1-800-q-quit-now for help gettingng freeee medication. bug spray y works bestst. when your r family actually w wears it.
siside effectsts like nausus, vovomiting, and d diarrhea m may lead to dehydraration, which mamay worsen kidney proroblems. ask your h health carere provir abouout the ozemempic® triri-. you mamay pay as l little as $. frfrustrated b by skin taga? dr. schollll s has ththe breakthrhrough yoyou ve been n waiting fof. the first t fda-clearered at-homome skin tagag remover clinicallyly proven to removove skin tagags safefely in as l little as one treaeatment. clinicallyly proven to removove skin tagags (roooosevelt) i i always thoht ththat cigaretette smsmoking justst md up your lungs.s. i never r thought that a at only 455 it wouldld give me a a heart at. my t tip is; do y your heart t a favor, and quitit now. (announcncer) you cacan qui. for freeee help, callll 1-800-quiuit-now. (hamlet) it s beggin ! smoky beggin . meaty beggin . tasty beggin . beggin !!! oh, i love you. (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin ! and try beggin pizza flavor. (hamlet) pizza!
[sneezeze] ( ) [sneezeze] astepro o allergy, stereroid free a allergy relef ththat starts s working in 3 30 minutes,s, while otheher allergyy spsprays take e hours. ththat starts s working in 3 30 minutes,s, with astepepro s unbeaeataby fast a allergy relelief yoyou can astetepro and gog! (geri) i smoked and i have copd. my children are realally worried. my tipip is, sesend your kikids a text.. it m may be the e last timee that y you do. (announcncer) you cacan quit. for free h help, call 1-800-quit-now. ifif you ve hahad sensitiviv, thosose zingers s can reallyly e sosome of thatat jolting p p. there isis one greatat solutin out there with s sensodyne.. it creates a protective barrier, anand now theyey get to fefeel , oh, ththis is a prproduct that actuaually works.s. i m kareem abdul jabbar.
that s the thing they ll spend a whole lot of money not not attack trump. we ll keep talking about this. up next, when exactly did marjorie taylor greene get the boot from the freedom caucus or does she? and can other members be on the chopping b block. freedom caucus member ken boch will be here next. - [announcncer] tens of thousands of customers wrote about carvana being fast in their five-star reviews, including sheena. - this was our second purchase through carvana. it was ser easy and really fast. this time, we traded in car and couldn t believe how ea it was, and we found the car our family really needed anin red. next thing i know, our new car was here and our trade-in was gone. bye! ta-da. (sheena chuckles) i literally tell people all the time how fast and easy carvana is. - [announcer] buy your car with carvana today.