Annenberg media by narrador Bienvenidos Al episodio 46 de destinos an introduction to spanish. En este episodio, Nuestra Historia continua. Tenemos que tomar una decision. Ya hay una oferta para el apartamento. Es que si queremos venderlo, habra otras ofertas. Ay, esta bien. Esperemos. ¿ha habido alguna novedad sobre la venta de la gavia . Han aumentado la oferta. Pero quiero decirte que lo he Estado Pensando y ahora comprendo por que te opones. No se preocupe, arturo. Tan pronto como maria comprenda la situacion cambiara, pero a su manera, ¿sabe . Ojala que asi sea. De veras, pancho la opinion de uds. Es muy importante para mi. No me sorprenderia nada si en este mismo momento maria y raquel estuvieran platicando. ¿si . No debia haber invitado a luis a venir a mexico. No es que no me guste tu amigo arturo. Es que. Es que tengo miedo. Ademas, vamos a ver un parque muy conocido de la Ciudad De Mexico, el Bosque De Chapultepec. vendadora pregona comestibles papa, ¿estas despierto . Si
So in that sense, i really feel that the harmony is responsible for how a melody makes you feel. [low hum and sticks clacking] [cultural music montage] [keyboard plays light jazz music] man harmony can best be described as notes sounding together in combination; pitches that are stacked on top of one another. If we hear only a melody by itself, with no harmonic accompaniment, it might sound Something Like this. [plays melody line from we three kings] now if we hear an accompaniment to it, this would be considered harmonizing the melody. This hand is going to play the harmonic accompaniment. This hand will play the melody again. man if you look at harmony as the sounding of a number of musical notes at the same time, its not a phenomenon that is confined to europe or the united states. It happens in a million different ways all around the world. In indonesia, in gamelan music, you have a kind of harmony because you have notes that are tuned together that are being sounded simultaneously
Ox . Tnnogngngonon annenberg media annenberg media world war ii was over. The gis were home raising the roof, hoping to raise a family. How could they realize the American Dream, a home of their own . When foreign steelmakers were pricing americas largest steel mills out of the market, how could a minimill hope to compete . Baseball. For millions, a pastime. For a few, a paycheck. Why was this mans paycheck half a Million Dollars a year . A visit to a modern Shopping Center yields a bewildering display of goods and services, the products of a free market. Whos to say this is what we want or what we need . Markets do they meet our needs . Economic analyst richard gill will help us examine that question on economics usa. Im david schoumacher. The American Economy the sum total of what goes on in shopping malls, car dealers, supermarkets, stock exchanges, 7elevens, and gas stations all around the country. Millions of buyandsell decisions everday, trillions of dollars worth every year.
Funding for this program was provided by the Annenberg Cpb project. male narrator one of the most universal of all human pursuits is the creation of music. [lilting flute music] from birth to death, music defines, describes, and accompanies us on our journey through life. man music is like food. Every human being needs food, but everybody eats different food. [rock music] food that americans eat is really strange to people in other parts of the world. Some of the food that other people eat would make an american sick to his stomach. But Everybody Needs food. [sticks clacking] [cultural music montage] what is music . Well, from a scientific point of view, its the organization of sound. [Classical Music] woman its a language without words, and the reason for language is to communicate and the reason for music is to communicate. woman depending on what you want to express, it can be hundreds of different things. man music is the essence of the creator, the entire universe. In my case, its
Gam made possible by the Financial Support of. And the following individuals and foundations. Corporate funding for art of the western world is by movado, makers of the Movado Museum watch, the watch dial design in the permanent collections of museums throughout the world. Captioning made possible by the Annenberg Cpb project this is siena, a wonderfully preserved Medieval City in central italy. At its heyday around 1300, it was one of the most civilized and prosperous places in europe. Siena and other italian citystates can stand as a new beginning in our story of western art. Hitherto, the old medieval world view had, put simply, divided the classes of society into the aristocracy at the top, the church, and the laboring peasantry at the bottom. In places like this, we see for the first time a new class, conscious of its own identity the merchants. These cities were no longer controlled by feudal lords. They were republics. Here in siena, several thousand citizens were eligible for e